easy thing to do in a city where cars and buildings were everywhere, but the angles were all wrong. Whoever was following her and the mystery man wasn’t alone. She could feel them closing in like a pack of wolves. One attacker was probably right behind them while the other sounded like he was coming from the other side of the street. Angles. Amateurs never thought enough about angles.
Just then, she heard a squeal of tires and in her mind the current situation went from bad to worse. With no alleys to duck into and the street turns limited, she and her guardian angel could easily be overtaken.
“Get closer to the street,” she heard the man say.
Maya was incredulous. “What? The car…”
“Just do it,” the man ordered, overtaking her sprint with long sure strides. That was when she recognized him. There had been something in his voice but she hadn't been sure. It was in the way he ran; Maya had run behind him for too many miles to count. Although she was currently being chased and shot at, her outlook improved.
Maya heard the large engine and glanced right. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a dark vehicle, larger than a car, but she couldn’t be sure. The man in front of her slowed and reached back with his hand. Maya took it and felt herself being pulled forward. Then as the van swerved in next to them the man flung her towards the open sliding door. She somehow made it through the door and into someone’s waiting arms. The man came in next and he barked an order. The van door slammed shut as the driver gunned the engine and the van propelled forward.
Her rescuer was tossed unceremoniously to the back of the van, his body being tossed like a rag doll. Someone flicked on the overhead light and whoever was holding Maya asked, “Still in one piece?”
Rubbing his head from the collision with the back door, the man said, “I’m fine.”
Maya went to him.
He grinned.
“When did you know it was me?” he asked.
“When you sprinted in front of me,” Maya answered, returning his grin.
“Are you sure it wasn’t when I whispered in your ear?”
Maya shook her head in exasperation but laughed. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
Judah shrugged, his youthful features taking Maya back to when she’d first met Judah Burns. They’d only been eighteen at the time, both fresh-faced and determined to graduate at the top of their basic training class. Rivals at the beginning, the two teenagers had soon found they had much in common, namely a proclivity for hard work and a natural talent for languages. On their down time the two would square off like live stand-up comedy. Maya was the master of American English, particularly from the deep south, and Judah did the most hilarious Russian impressions.
In the end, Judah graduated at the top of their class and Maya second. It was not the last time they would meet.
“It seems that I am now in your debt,” she said.
“Does that mean you’ll finally go on a date with me?” Judah did his best starry-eyed lover impression. It was always the same with Judah. While Maya considered herself pretty, and at times beautiful depending on the time of day, what she wore, and the amount of makeup she sometimes donned, Judah Burns could have been a model. He’d put those good looks to use not only with many of the women who couldn’t resist his charms, but also he’d turned it into a tool in his current line of work.
“You’re not still dating that French model, you know, the one with the rich daddy?”
Judah snorted like he had never done such a thing in his life.
“I would rather date someone who is beautiful and smarter than me,” he said.
Maya bit back a blush, suddenly realizing that there were four other people listening in on their conversation. Reality came crashing down around her. The chase. The silenced rounds. Maya’s mind snapped back to the business at hand – staying alive.
“How did you find me?”
The smile slipped from
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