The Wicked One

Read Online The Wicked One by Danelle Harmon - Free Book Online

Book: The Wicked One by Danelle Harmon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danelle Harmon
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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innocent who's ignorant of what she'll find in a man's bed.  And unless I'm mistaken, you're as eager as I am to finish what we already started in mine.  But I'm not usually mistaken, Eva.  Let me prove to you that men can be very . . . interesting , indeed."
    Her knees began to weaken.  "I have . . . work to do at the ball."
    "You have work to do for me.  But pleasure before business, no?"
    He took her arm.  Fear and wanting warred within her.  The night pressed in around her, icing her skin, trying to freeze her blood, but Blackheath had ignited something that was burning her from the inside out and could only be satisfied in one way, and one way only.
    And then, a sudden idea occurred to her.  A wicked idea, so totally perfect for the occasion, so totally in line with her own plans, that she could barely contain her triumph.
    Her relief.
    "Very well, then, Blackheath," she murmured, looking up into his shadowy face.  "I'm no champion of the male gender, but I'm willing to give you a chance to change my mind about it.  You and I will return to my rooms, but" — she narrowed her eyes — "it will be on my terms."
    "And they are?"
    "Complete domination."
    Up went one black, arching brow.  "Dear me, this night promises more excitement than I'd originally anticipated . . ."
    "And I'm telling you right now that if you disappoint me in any way, I swear I'll kill you."
    "In that case, I promise to do all in my power to leave you completely . . ." — his lips curved in a slow, dangerous smile  — "satisfied."
    They returned — individually — to the ball and, pleading a headache, Eva excused herself and left the great noisy chamber.
    She had seen Franklin eyeing her with raised brows, obviously not fooled by her excuse.  He had seen her with Blackheath.  He was certainly wondering why she was consorting with the enemy.  But Eva had a plan, and Blackheath would be the perfect man on whom to carry it out.
    He was waiting for her, as promised, at the foot of the great stairway that led to the guest rooms on the mansion's upper floors.  It was quiet here; not even a servant was about.
    "Last chance to change your mind," he murmured, with a challenging little smile that said he knew she would not.
    Eva took his offered arm.  "I am not such a coward as all that.  Though you'd like everyone to think you're the devil incarnate, I am most assuredly not afraid of the big bad wolf."
    "Really, now?  Then why, might I ask, are you trembling?"
    She gave a flippant little laugh to cover her nervousness.  "Anticipation."
    He only smiled, a thin, knowing smile that made her insides twist in a knot.  So, she'd lied.  A bit.  She was afraid of the big bad wolf, because wolves were perfectly capable of tearing out your heart and eating it.  And Eva was all too aware that her heart, which had been feasted on before, was dangerously close to finding itself on an offered platter.
    Stay calm!  YOU are in control.  He has consented that you will be in control!  You have nothing to fear, as long as you don't start imagining he's something he's not, as long as you don't start dreaming little-girl dreams about him, as long as you don't start deluding yourself that he's any different from the rest of his abhorrent gender . . .
    She raised her head, haughty, flirtatious, in command once more.  Yes, she was in control.  She just had to convince herself of the fact.  They reached the top of the stairs, and, her heart pounding, Eva led the way to her room.  The closed door looked ominous.  And exciting.  What would lay beyond that door, tonight?
    She turned then and faced her companion with a hard stare.  "Let me remind you, Blackheath.  This is on my terms."
    "Ah, yes."  His smile gleamed.  "Complete domination."
    "And remember, I am perfectly capable of killing you if you deceive me in any way."
    "I know you are, my dear.  It is one of many reasons why I find myself so fascinated by you."  He reached out and

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