The White Wolf (Half-Breed Book 1)

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Book: The White Wolf (Half-Breed Book 1) by Brittany Comeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittany Comeaux
    “Thanks,” Milea said and hungrily accepted the piece of dried meat.
    Varg ripped a piece of meat off with his back teeth and said with a mouthful, “We need to scout the area before we get inside.”
    “That's my specialty,” Milea said after she swallowed her first bite. “I'll scout the area and let you know what I find.”
    After she gulped down the rest of her jerky, Milea left Varg to guard their camp. He began to worry she'd been caught when she hadn't returned by sundown, but he held confidence in the half-elf and knew she was all right. He heaved a sigh of relief when Milea finally returned after nightfall.
    “Sorry, the guards are extremely vigilant,” Milea said as she walked up the hill. “They heard my footsteps, but fortunately they thought it was just an animal. This doesn't make our mission any easier, of course.”
    “Do you have any ideas for how we could get past them?” Varg asked.
    “While I was scouting around the wall outside the castle and peeked over the edge, I noticed a door that was hidden behind some brush in the garden area. I think that may be the best option, granted we can actually remain undetected long enough to get there,” Milea suggested.
    “Let's go with your plan,” Varg said. He turned to the camp fire and began to kick dirt onto it, then added, “Anything else?”
    “I heard some of the guards talking about the orders Lionel gave them before he left. He apparently told them to guard the townspeople with their lives,” Milea explained.
    Varg watched as the last ember in the fire pit flickered and died, then turned back to Milea. “You think he expected retaliation from the assassins, or even the Serpent himself?”
    “Possibly, but there's something else. The guard mentioned that Lionel hadn't left his study for days before he left. I think that may be the best place to look for clues,” Milea said.
    Varg nodded, then said, “Then that's where we'll look. Let's go.”
    Varg and Milea crept outside of town until they arrived to a closer position near the castle. Castle Virland's walls were solid stone, but were pale in color and bore a slightly bluish hue. It was a small castle, more so than the one in Rivershire, but appeared to be comfortable and safe. From a distance, Varg could see vines growing along the walls of the castle, but it seemed that no one minded. It rather added to the charm this little country castle held so well.
    Milea guided Varg to the area she spoke of, and it was then that Varg got a much better view of the keep. A solid, stone wall wrapped around the property, which would obviously make intruding all but impossible. The wall was taller than Varg, so he at least took solace that they wouldn't have to crouch down to avoid being seen from the property, but it also prevented them from seeing inside as well.
    Varg stood on his toes and still couldn't see anything, so he looked to Milea again and asked, “How did you see the door over this wall?”
    “I climbed the tree over there,” Milea said as she pointed a finger to the old oak tree to her right.
    The tree's branches reached over the top of the wall, granting easy access into the property, and the leaves were so dense that it made the perfect hiding place at night. Milea hopped onto the tree and climbed up, at which point Varg followed and stalled just behind her.
    The tree directly overlooked the garden, a private area of the castle that put the rest of Virland's forests to shame. Even with the darkness that came with the night, the greenery that made up the castle's garden shimmered like emeralds under the moonlight. A small stream traveled through the property and led to a small pond, which was dotted with lily pads and white petals.
    Milea crouched onto the nearest, sturdiest branch and pointed to a thick brush against the castle wall. “It's right over there,” Milea whispered as she pointed to a small door at the foot of the castle wall.
    If Varg hadn't been looking for

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