The White Wolf (Half-Breed Book 1)

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Book: The White Wolf (Half-Breed Book 1) by Brittany Comeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittany Comeaux
the door, he never would have seen it. The door was built at the foot of a small stairway leading from the ground level to a lower level of the castle. A chimney situated on the wall outside indicated where an oven was, so Varg could only assume that the door led to a kitchen. Though they weren't very close, Varg could see no signs of light or life in the windows and determined that the room was empty.
    “Do you see any guards?” Varg whispered to his counterpart.
    “Not from here,” Milea said. “I'll drop first and tell you when it's clear for you.”
    Milea inched forward and hopped onto the ground. She crouched and hid behind a bush and looked around, then gestured for Varg to proceed. He dropped down, but much louder than he intended. Thankfully he didn't attract any attention, so he took the extra moment to quickly survey his surroundings. He saw no other way out of the garden, so he removed a rolled up piece of rope from his satchel and tossed it over the branch they dropped from.
    “This should allow a quick escape if necessary,” Varg explained when he saw Milea's questioning glare.
    The two then darted across the lawn when they were certain that the guards weren't looking and found the door. Milea tried the handle, but discovered it was locked.
    “Allow me,” Varg offered. He brought out his lock picking tools and fiddled with the lock. After hearing the click that assured him it was opened, he slowly creaked the door open in case someone was inside. The kitchen walls were stone and plain, much like the outside of the castle. A door on the opposite end of the room opened to a corridor, which in turn led to the dining room. Another door across the room opened to the throne room, which thankfully appeared to be empty. They still proceeded with caution just in case a lone guard stood watching, or even if Lionel's family were still awake.
    In the throne hall, a fire pit in sat in the middle of the floor, but the fire was no more than lingering embers. Above the carved marble throne sat a stained glass window that allowed colorful moonlight to paint the otherwise dark chamber. A set of stairs sat to the left of the throne, which is where Milea then gestured.
    “I'm willing to bet the Count's private chambers are upstairs,” Milea whispered from behind Varg.
    Varg nodded and inched forward to the stairs, then climbed to the upper level. He and Milea followed the walkway until it led to a doorway on the same wall as the throne. He opened a crack in the door, then opened it completely when he found no one waiting behind it. The bounty hunter proceeded into the corridor that opened to Lionel's chambers. Though it still kept up with the Count's apparent modest taste, the main chamber of the Count's private chambers had another, unlit fireplace where a pair of pleasant chairs greeted guests to the Count.
    Varg brushed aside the pleasing atmosphere long enough to locate another door opposite from where they entered. He and Milea crossed the room and went through the door to find a round room with a door on either side. In the middle of the room, there was a large plant arrangement with a variety of strange mushrooms and blossoms.
    Varg and Milea split up to check the doors on either side of the room. The door Varg opened led to a bedroom that appeared to belong to a scholar. Hundreds of books were practically stacked to the ceiling in stacks around the bed, desk, and bookshelves. As Varg wondered who would have the need to read so many books, he closed the door and looked back to his counterpart as she emerged from the opposite room.
    “Nothing in here,” Varg said. “Did you find anything?”
    “Just an old bedroom. I don't think anyone's used it in forever,” Milea answered.
    Varg looked to his left and saw another corridor across from where they entered and said, “Let's check over here.”
    “After you,” Milea offered.
    Varg took the lead once more and walked down the short corridor. There were three

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