The Wedding Day

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Book: The Wedding Day by Joanne Clancy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Clancy
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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and our service. He won a trip to Paris last year after he led a campaign for his company that won them a very lucrative contract with a top clothing brand."
    "Wow! Did he really?" Nicole clapped her hands in delight. "This gets better and better."
    Nicole produced a notebook which was full of designs and drawings for the website.
    "When did you start this?" Evette asked as she flipped through her sister's notes.
    There were pages and pages filled with detailed lists and drawings.
    "I saved the notebook with my own wedding plans and I've added more thoughts overnight. I've had the idea for a few days but I stayed up most of the night last night drawing and planning. I really want to move on with my life and I think that this is the way forward." "What about your journalism career?" Evette asked, glancing up from her sister's detailed notes for a moment. Nicole sighed.
    "I like journalism. I enjoyed it to an extent, but it's not my passion," she said.
    "Sarah and I had a conversation in the pub a few weeks ago and she really inspired me. She said that I need to let loose, start enjoying my life, that I need to find my passion. She was right. I've been living most of my life on auto pilot; always doing the right thing, being the perfect girlfriend, planning everything in the minutest detail. Well, my obsessive plans and doing the so-called right thing ruined my life. I've decided to pursue the unconventional. I have some savings set aside and I want to open my own business. I know I'd love it and I want you to be my business partner."
    Evette hesitated. "I'm not nearly as organised as you, Nicole. What could I possibly bring to your business?"
    "You would be a perfect balance to my obsessive nature," Nicole said quickly. "You are artistic and easygoing. You're in touch with yourself and your emotions. You'll be amazing and I want you to be on board with me. Say you'll do it."
    Evette smiled and stuck out her hand. "It's a deal, sis."

Chapter 7
    "You are going to love me forever!" Evette burst into the bathroom, where her sister was trying to enjoy a relaxing bath.
    "Do you mind?!" Nicole exclaimed. "Is knocking a completely alien concept to you?"
    "Relax, sis, it's nothing that I haven't seen before. You'll never guess what I've just done."
    Nicole's annoyance evaporated at her sister's infectious good humour and she couldn't help laughing as she watched her happy-dancing in the middle of the bathroom.
    "Go on, guess," Evette insisted.
    "You've won the lottery," Nicole guessed in a deadpan voice.
    "Almost, actually, it's a possibility, but it's not strictly correct. Guess again."
    "You've finally convinced George Clooney to go out on a date with you," Nicole tried again.
    "No, but I might bump into him soon and who knows, he may fall for my sweet Irish charms. Guess again."
    "No, Ev, just tell me, please!"
    "Ok. We're going to Las Vegas baby!"
    "What? We're going to Las Vegas? How's that possible? I'm broke and I know you're broke too."
    "It's my little secret," Evette smiled covertly.
    "You have to tell me or else I'm going to worry that you've gotten a bank loan or something equally irresponsible."
    "Fine, I'll tell you. You and Paul have a joint credit card, right?"
    "Right," Nicole replied slowly. She was beginning to dread what her sister might say next.
    "Well, I correctly assumed the honeymoon was booked on that card."
    "I remember you said that it was some very expensive and exclusive resort in Mauritius."
    "Yes, our honeymoon was booked at the Heritage Awali Mauritius five star gold and spa resort, to be precise," Nicole interjected. "The travel agent told me that it was a honeymoon paradise. We were going to stay for twelve nights for the all-inclusive price of two thousand two hundred euro. It was going to be a holiday of a life-time and now all I have to show for it is a huge dent in my credit card, well, half a huge dent. Paul will have to pay half too."
    "No, Nicole, that's where you're

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