The Virgin Bet

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Book: The Virgin Bet by Olivia Starke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Starke
I hurt you, tell me.”
    “Do we need a safe word?” she teased.
    He grinned. “Next time, sweetheart.”
    He claimed her lips as he palmed her breast through her bra. His thumb worked her nipple, until it budded. Tippy groaned, arching into the touch, needing so much more. He left her lips, and his teeth replaced his thumb. He squeezed the sensitive nub through the lace of her bra. She cried out in both pain, and delight. He sucked hard, pinching the other nipple, until her head swam.
    “Please,” she begged. “I need more.”
    He growled, a sharp jerk rid her of her bra, and his hot mouth covered her breast, his teeth surely leaving behind bruises as he took sharp nips of the soft skin. But she wanted even more, he made her mad with indescribable desires. Her nails raked his back, drawing out more feral sounds from her new lover.
    “You’ll be the end of me,” Brent said on a ragged breath.
    She said nothing, her teeth finding his shoulder. She bit down, and he bucked into her. “Ah, sweetheart, just like that,” he called out.
    He wedged his hips between her thighs, and she felt his hard cock press into her slit. Her insanity grew, and she thrust against him, instinct taking over. She’d envisioned her first time a fumbling and fuss-filled event where she’d try to figure things out as she went along. She never imagined this height of lust, of greedy need.
    He reached out, and yanked open the top drawer to the night stand, withdrawing a foil packet. A condom. It seemed larger than life in his hand. His eyes found hers.
    “Are you ready?” he asked.
    He slid off the bed long enough to rid himself of his boxer briefs, while she wriggled out of her panties. She watched, fixated, as he sheathed his cock in the latex. When he returned to her, he slipped his hand between her thighs, stroking his fingers within her pussy.
    “You’re so wet and ready for me,” he said on a husky breath. He brought those fingers to his mouth, licking off her juices, before moving between her thighs again. Braced up on his hands, he stared down to her. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said.
    She did so, opening up to him. He reached between them, and traced the end of his cock through her pussy, before testing her entrance. She tensed.
    “It’s okay, Tippy,” he coaxed. “Relax.”
    He took shallow thrusts, while he rubbed his fingers over her clit. Shivers of pleasure washed through her as she took him further and further inside. Then he stopped, letting her adjust to his girth.
    “God you feel good,” she said, arching, and moving into him.
    He circled his hips, and she gasped. He slowly pulled back then thrust forward, and the pleasurable shock of the movement tore a sharp cry from her throat. He drove into her, over and over, sending her spiraling higher and higher, until she couldn’t catch her breath. He threw his head back, and she stared at the strong column of his throat.
    He reached between them again, giving her clit quick flicks with his fingers. The climax slammed into her and she screamed out.
    “Oh fuck.” Brent jerked out of her, grabbing her, and throwing her onto her stomach. His hand came down in a hard slap against her ass, before he grabbed her hips, yanking her into him, and burying deep inside her again. He pounded into her. “Tell me you’re mine, Temperance,” he demanded.
    The turn of play left her dizzy, and breathless as her body jerked with his hard fucking. He yanked out of her, and gave her ass another hard punishing slap. “Say it, Temperance.”
    She clutched the comforter, and clenched her teeth together. How far would he go now? She hoped she’d soon learn. He withdrew long enough to reach for his jeans on the floor. He pulled his leather belt from the loops. He folded it, then snapped it together, the loud pop making her jump. She moved to roll away from him, but he caught her, pinning her face first on the bed. The belt came down in a stinging swat against her

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