The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
more closely in balance with bodily fluids and helps prevent too much water from being absorbed by the colon. When less water is absorbed, you can get a better cleansing, and more water will come out of your ass. You may also feel the need to pee less often.
    You should finish an enema at least two to three hours before you plan to have anal sex. This time gives your body a chance to recover and allows the thin layer of mucous that lines and protects the rectum to regenerate. Plus, it prevents another potential situation. Sometimes, I believe I’m all done with my enema. I get dressed to run some errands. Inevitably, I wait on some impossibly long line at the post office or somewhere, and just as I get to the counter, I have an urge. Oh. My. God. My enema is so not over. This is what I call the “second wave” (the discovery that there was more in there), and the second wave can happen without warning. If the second wave happens in the middle of an anal sex date, then things are going to be messier than if you never had an enema in the first place. So give yourself plenty of time between enema and anal sex.
    People with high blood pressure, heart problems, serious health conditions, or a compromised immune system should talk to a doctor before having an enema. Even if you’re in good health, it’s not a good idea to have enemas too frequently. They tend to stress out your rectum, and too much of this evacuation can throw your rectum, bowels, and gastrointestinal tract off balance. There is no agreed-upon frequency, but I will say this: once a day every day is too much, once a month is fine. Once a week or every two weeks is okay as long as it’s not every single week—give yourself some longer breaks. Do not overdo it on enemas. I don’t want to see any of you at an Enema Addicts Anonymous meeting! If, after an enema, you don’t have a bowel movement or expel any liquid, you could be dehydrated or have a serious condition. See a doctor immediately.

    Enema Tips
    • If you don’t trust your tap water (for example, if you wouldn’t drink it), use bottled distilled water, and warm it up before you fill the syringe or enema bag.
    • Never use a vaginal douche in your rectum.
    • Do not share enema equipment.
    • Always clean your enema equipment carefully right after you use it.
    • Read and follow all instructions that accompany enema kits or equipment.

Cleaning Enema Equipment
    One way to clean rubber or silicone enema bags, tubing, and nozzles is to wash them thoroughly with warm water and antibacterial soap or soak them in a soap and water solution, then rinse them several times with plain water. Make sure to dry all items completely, especially the bag, so no mold or mildew forms on surfaces.
    There are differences of opinion when it comes to using bleach to clean enema equipment. Some people recommend soaking both rubber and silicone equipment in a diluted bleach solution (10 parts water, 1 part bleach) for about 20 minutes. Rinse all items, especially the bag, several times to make sure no bleach remains and dry them properly. Others caution that a thorough rinse is not enough, and some bleach will likely remain on the equipment. The next time you have an enema, this theory goes, that bleach will end up in your ass.
    Because of gravity, there’s no chance that fecal matter can travel from your ass into the enema bag, so as long as the bag is rinsed out (even in only hot water) and properly dried, it will be fine. Bacteria and fecal matter from the ass can get on nozzles and even migrate from nozzles to tubing, so if you’re going to be anal retentive about cleaning, those are the items you should concentrate on. Whether you use a mild soap (and cotton swabs or pipe cleaners to make sure to get in nooks and crannies) or a bleach solution, the most important step is rinse, rinse, rinse.
    Remember that rubber items are porous and can never be completely disinfected. Silicone isn’t porous, and can be

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