wiskers & poynty eres. It sniffd the air. It lookd this way that way & up towards the sky. It moovd towards the trap & sniffd agen. It pawsed for meny seconds as if it was in thort. Then steppd onto the trap & put its hed towards the crums & clack! The hole trap jumpd with the sudden violens of it & the mows jerkd & twitchd a final tym & then was still. I knelt down. I wisperd thanks to this mows for giving itself to me & to the burd. I releesd it carefly. I held it in my hand this dead & stil warm & tender lovely beest. I carryd it to the tabl & lade it on a plate. I think I sumhow new this was to be my finil proper act in ther. I got the sissors & I cut little holes in the sholders of the mows. I got the wings of the burd & stuck them into those holes. I mayd a thing lyk an aynjel lyk a hors with wings lyk an aynshent beest lyk a beest thatd never bene sene in this world at arl. It wos the second thing Id mayd with mows & burd and yes it wos floppy & stranj & it wud never never fly but I held it up & supported the wings with my thums & the blud of the mows trickld down my fingas & the stink of the wings mixd with my breth but I new I had mayd sumthin new & speshul & that lyk my masterpees wud never diy in my memry. Aye, I no. Lookin bak I no I was in a straynj straynj stayt. The yers of bein in the room the aloneness the loss of dad the mise the burd & arl the weardness of what Id bene up to in the nites. Mebbe I was more than a littl mad a littl crayzy. Of cors I wos. But mebbe the crayzines brout forth sum powa & corsd a miracl to occur that nite. Or mebbe not. Who nos? Mebbe it was all madness all an ilushon mebbe it wos sumthin to do with Mam & mebbe Ill find a way to get her to tel me 1 day. Enyway that nite I put that stinkin mowsburd on the table unda the windo to the sky. I telt it it cud resurrect itself & fly away into the stars & joyn the other beasts & gods & galixys up ther. And I saw it happen. I saw the mowsburdaynjel rise up from the taybl. I saw it rise throu the little room then throu the windo & keep on risin risin til it was owt of site far far off millyons & millyons of myls away & all that cud be sene of it throu the frame of the windo was a littl arraynjment of stars shinin in the lovely perfect shayp of it. Next thing I no is its morning & the mowsburds gon from the taybl just lyk I dremed it did. Mam cums in. She sits on the bed. Shes got a buckit of disinfectint & scrubbin brushes in her hands & rubba gluvs on. She sits on the bed. We carnt go on like this can we Billy she says. I dont no Mam. We cant. You must prepare yourself. For what Mam? For goin throu the dore son. Its time. I shudder & trembl & she raps me in her arms. Yor dad wont cum bak no mor Billy. I no it. We ar on our own now. Are we Mam? Aye. But well hav frends to help. Mr McCaufrey. Missus Malone. They are prepard. And dont wurry becos shes a good woman and hes a good man. She grinnd & bit her lip. But Mr McCaufrey she said. Mr McCaufrey what? He dusnt beleev in you Billy. Dusnt beleev? No. No mater what Missus Malone & I tel him he dusnt beleev its possibl that thers a boy like you in a plase like this. I tryd to imajin what a Mr McCaufrey wud be like. No way of doin this of cors. Id only seen my dad my mam myself & birds & mise & the weard figurs that sumtyms wanderd throu the shados & throu my dreams. Hell hav to beleev when he sees me & tuches me Mam I said. Thats true. And when I see him & tuch him then Ill beleev in him. She laffd. Thats true as well she said. She held me tite. You must prepare yorself & you must be brave she wisperd. Therll be no comin bak. Wons you leev this room we will lok it up. A clene brake. No goin back. You understand Billy? I understood nothing. I did not no how to prepare myself nor how to be brave. I tryd. The mowsbird helpd me. I told myself that if a thing like that cud leev the room then a thing like Billy Dean surely cud as well. My mam stayd a cupl of