payl as payl and her eyes ar shinin & a tear like a preshus jewl is runnin sloly down her cheke. “This is a plays that was sayvd wen meny wer destroyd” she says. “And we wer sayvd wen meny wer killd. Wernt we lucky Billy?” I see a taybl befor me & walls & blue curtins hangin at the middl of the warl with a rectangle of payl lite shinin throu them. I see Mr McCaufrey with his hands on his hips in the middl of the room. He winks at me. I see Missus Malone in a corner leening on the wall. She has a stik in her hand. She poynts to the curtan with it. “Now” she says. “Tayk me bak” I wisper agen. Everythin swings & sways & roks & rores. Mam holds me. She tels me to stand up & she gides me to my fete. She holds my hand and takes me to the curtan. “Turn off the lite Mr McCaufrey” she says. He dos this & the room goes dark. She tugs the curtan & lite floods in. “Look son” she says. I dont no how to look. I blink & blink & suden tears flood my eyes. I get a glimps of sky with blueness & the clowds in it. I get a glimps of lumpy darka things belo. Everything is reeling. Im abowt to fall. Mam holds me tite. “That” she wispers “is Blinkbonny. Its wer youve always bene. Youve been hid away in secrit at the hart of it. And now at last yor owt.” I stagga. The curtan falls. I see the butcha at the dore that leeds bak to my littl room. Hes screwing a plank across it then another plank. “Welcom to the world yung Billy Dean” he says. He grins. He shakes his hed. “How abowt a sossij or 3” he says. “Thatll help I do beleev.”
We sit at the taybl in the plays I wud come to no & to love so wel. The danglin lite shyns down on me. The butcha puts sum sossijes on a playt befor me. He puts a nife & a fork in my hand & sqeezes HP sors across the sossijes. “Eat up” he says. He crowches down at my side & gayzes at me & tuches me tenderly with the tips of his fingers. “Butcha” says Missus Malone. “Leave him for a wile.” But he stays by me & puts his fingers arownd my ankle then puts them rownd my rist. I see that tho I am big beside my father I am still small against this massiv man. “Skinny as a spuggy” he says. “We hav to get you bilt up for the big wyd world Billy boy.” I try to cut a sossij with a nife & fork but my hands ar wobbling with nervusness too much. He laffs. “See?” he says. “Cannot even cut a littl sossij!” He takes the nife from my hand & cuts the sossij for me. He dips a bit in the sors then tels me to put my tung owt & I do that & he puts a bit of sossij ther. “Eat this” he says. I chew & eat. “Its good?” he asks. “D-delishus” I say. “Exelent. Get stuk in. Get sum mor of that HP on. These ar my very best sossijes from the very best pigs alyv today. Or the best that wer alyv til now.” He holds a glass of oranj juis in front of me. “Drink this” he says. He tips the glass towards me & I drink. “Good lad” he says. He kisses me. I catch agen the smel of meat & blud on him. He strokes my hed with his jentl hands. “To think that all those times I was in here you wer just in ther. Whod hav blinkin thort it. Do you recognyz my voys Billy?” I do. I remember his voys in the warls. I remember him callin owt my mothers name. I remember how his voice rose from a grone into a song. The voys I thort wos sumthin from a dreme or sumthin in the warls themselvs or sumthin deep within myself or som weard ecko of my dads voys. And even when Mam told me whose voys it was I had no way of understanding until now. And now here he is befor me. This real man living in this real world. This Mr McCaufrey this tender smiling butcha. I fynd that I can smyl at him. I wisper that yes I no his voys. I continu to eat & drink. “And me” says Missus Malone. I turn my hed. She stil leans on the wall in the shadowy corner. She poynts to her fase with her stik. “This” she says. “Do you recogniyz this, William Dean?” She steps