The Touch of Sage

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Book: The Touch of Sage by Marcia Lynn McClure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure
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Mary Fa r then, ” he said, still smiling. “ But a body can ’ t help but take to her. ”
    Gareth Getcher owned the general store in town. He was a chubby man with dimples on his cheeks and very little gray hair left on his head. He had always reminded Sage of someone who should ’ ve owned a bakery in some big city somewhere. Ever smiling and friendly, Mr. Getcher was a dear soul , and Sage was very fond of him.
    “ I hear Eugenia ’ s nephew has everythin ’ ready out at the ranch, ” Mr. Getcher said. “ Hear tell his herd is on its way up from Santa Fe . ”
    “ That ’ s right, ” Sage confirmed.
    Everywhere she went people were talking about Eugenia Smarthing ’ s nephew. It was almost irritating. Didn ’ t folks have anything better to do? Every conversation was “Reb Mitchell” this and “Eugenia’s nephew” that. He had literally become the talk of the town , and secretly Sage resented it. She had come to feel very— well, possessive of Reb. He was Eugenia ’ s nephew after all, and Sage had known him before anyone else. Since his arrival, everyone in the town had taken to Reb , and Sage was jealous. The fact worried her too. She had no right, no reason to feel the way she did where he was concerned. Still, s he felt it, and it troubled her— for Reb seemed to belong to everyone. Every woma n he met fell in love with him— in one manner or another — and she feared the day would come when he would fall in love with one of them in return. The thought made her stomach ache.
    Why, just that very morning, Sage had walked past Milly Michaels, Katie Bird , and Dotty Betten standing outside the dress shop talking— talking about Reb Mitchell, of course. It had been Milly who stopped Sage and inquired about Reb ’ s welfare.
    “ Have ya coaxed him out to the boardin ’ house for supper yet this week, Sage? ” Milly asked. Milly Michaels was all of seventeen years old, but she tried to make people think she was o lder— more mature and wiser to life.
    “ His aunt had him out for supper last night, Milly, ” Sage said. “ Along with Reverend and Mrs. Tippetts and Mr. Winnery . We all had a fine time. ” Although Sage was irritated with Milly ’ s implication that Sage chased after Reb the way Milly did, Sage tried to appear indifferent.
    “ Oh , come on , Sage, ” Milly said, unconvinced of Sage ’ s lack of concern. “ You ’ re old, but you ’ re not dead. Surely he ’ s caught yer eye more than you let on. ”
    The words echoed through Sage ’ s mind like pieces of a shattered windowpane. Even now standing in the general store conversing with Mr. Getcher, the memory of Milly ’ s words hurt.
    “ Reb says it ’ s a fine herd he ’ s bringin ’ up, ” Mr. Getcher said, pulling Sage ’ s thoughts back to the moment at hand.
    “ Miss Eugenia seems to trust in it, ” she said.
    “ Well, ” Mr. Getcher continued, “ He ’ s a fine boy. A fine boy. He ’ ll make some gal a good husband. ” Mr. Getcher winked at Sage , and the sick feeling in her stomach thickened — for she knew it wouldn ’t be her— old Sage Willows, the town spinster.
    Sage force d a smile and sighed. “ Well, I best be gettin ’ back. If I ’ m not there when the ladies take to rummy…fists will be flyin ’ for certain. ”
    Mr. Getcher chuckled. “ Well, ya have a nice afternoon, Sage, ” he said. “ And tell them ladies I send my regards. ”
    “ I will, ” Sage said, smiling at the man. He was a kind hearted soul , and Sage knew he rather liked Mary. She giggled at the thought of cranky old Mary and sweet-natured Mr. Getcher being fond of one another.
    Sage stepped out of the general store and started toward the boarding house . But no sooner had her thoughts of romance between Mary and Mr. Getcher caused her to smile than she felt anxiety rise in her when she heard Forest Simmons ’s angry voice behind her.
    “ Sage Willows! ” he nearly shouted. “ That mutt of yers done put my

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