The Taming of a Wild Child

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Book: The Taming of a Wild Child by Kimberly Lang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Lang
propping her head on her fist. “I knew it was a pity I couldn’t remember last time. High marks across the board, by the way.”
    This was a different Lorelei. Relaxed. Not biting his head off.
How novel
. “Oh, good. I was worried.”
    She snorted. “Somehow I doubt that.”
    “And somehow I’m not surprised that you do.”
    The sheet across her legs shifted as she wiggled her legs. “As soon as I get full feeling back in my legs I’ll get dressed and call a cab.”
    The casual statement did something bad to him that he couldn’t quite name. Trying to keep it out of his voice, he tried for a lecherous smile. “So soon?”
    “I think it’s probably a wise idea.” She bit her bottom lip as she looked at the sheets tangled around her. “And I’m due for one, don’t you think?”
    A second taste of Lorelei had only whetted his appetite for more. There were several inches of her skin he had yet to explore and, no matter how insane it was, he very much wanted Lorelei to stay exactly where she was.
    Well, not
where she was; she needed to move about two feet closer. Or all the way back on top of him. That would be good.
    Good Lord, when had he completely lost the big brain/little brain battle? Lorelei was offering him an easy out of this situation; he should be jumping on it, helping her into her dress and straight into a cab. Hell, he hadn’t brought a woman back to his place in years for the very reason that he didn’t know how to get them to leave. It was much easier to claim an early meeting or an important deadlineand make a graceful exit while everyone still had a smile on their faces.
    It seemed that getting Lorelei to leave wasn’t going to be a problem, though. She was already pushing herself up and swinging her legs off the bed. Her movements seemed a little stiff, though, and her smile had lost its humor, becoming more forced. The casualness from just a few minutes earlier seemed to evaporate.
    She reached for her dress, avoiding eye contact. “I’ve got to get up really early in the morning—for a breakfast meeting—so I should probably get on home.”
    The irony slammed into him, causing him to laugh and earning him a questioning look from Lorelei. “I never knew until right now how utterly lame that excuse actually sounds.”
    Shock crossed her face, but then her lips twisted in amusement. She knew she was busted, but he had to give her points for not denying it.
    Lorelei stepped into her dress and began struggling with her zipper, twisting herself like a contortionist and making his shoulder hurt just watching her. Walking up behind her, he moved her hands away and they fell to her sides. She stilled, and he felt her sway slightly toward him before she straightened.
    He wanted to slide his hands inside the dress, around the indentation of her waist, but he settled for just resting them on the flare of her hips, letting his thumbs stroke lightly over the bare skin of her lower back. He felt the small tremor that ran over her skin and heard her breath catch.
    Neither of them moved, but the pull was real, palpable, like an iron filing trying to resist a magnet, and the small space between their bodies vibrated from it.
    Zip the dress. Call her a cab
    But why?
caught him off-guard. Why should he bustle her out the door like she was some kind of bad bar hook-up? He’d been working under the assumption that this was insane. Crazy. A bad idea.
    But now he couldn’t quite articulate why.
    They weren’t kids anymore; all that foolishness had to have a statute of limitations that had long since passed. Lorelei was smart, articulate, challenging—not to mention absolutely gorgeous. So why, then, was this such an insane idea? He didn’t want to marry her; he just wanted to get her back to bed. Why couldn’t they just enjoy this?
    No reasons came immediately to mind.
come to mind was the sincere wish that she’d lean back just an inch or two … “At least let me offer

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