The Sweet Spot

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Book: The Sweet Spot by Ariel Ellman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariel Ellman
the noise of the hairdryer and it was pouring outside anyway. She towel-dried it and smoothed lotion over her body, adding a quick swipe of deodorant under her arms and a spray of her everyday perfume. She groped around in the dark bedroom for a pair of underwear and a bra, and grabbed a pair of soft faded jeans and a long-sleeve fitted v-neck t-shirt that clung to the curves of her chest. Ani finished dressing downstairs and grabbed a fisherman sweater and raincoat off of the hook in the mudroom, shoved her feet into her wellies and slipped out the back door. 
    Rain pelted down on the car as Ani navigated her way through the dark wet streets of her neighborhood and over to South Boston to Sebastian’s apartment. The thunderstorm outside was fierce, the rain fell in sheets and the wind whipped it in every direction, soaking Ani to the skin by the time she made it from her car to Sebastian’s door.
    “An i?” Sebastian murmured, blinking his eyes sleepily as he held the door open for her. His apartment was dark and he’d obviously been sleeping. A flash of lightening streaked through the window and illuminated Sebastian’s silhouette in the doorway. His muscled ink-covered chest was bare and a pair of boxers hung low on his narrow hips.
    “What does the rose represent?” Ani breathed, reaching out and trailing a finger across the rose petals that shone against Sebastian’s neck under the flash of lightening.
    “Celebrated teenage birthday in prison,” Sebastian whispered back, holding Ani’s gaze. 
    “And my name tangled in the center of the Claddagh?” Ani choked.
    “ You know exactly what it means,” Sebastian replied hoarsely.
    “I want to see you,” Ani demanded, pushing Sebastian over toward the window and into the light that streamed in from the street.
    “You’re soaking wet,” Sebastian murmured, as Ani ran her fingers across his shoulders and down his back.
    “What does the church mean?” Ani pressed, ignoring Sebastian’s comment about her soaked state as she trailed her fingers over the fifteen spires on Sebastian’s back and paused at the intricate Celtic cross that topped the center spire, rising above the others.
    “Y ou’re shivering,” Sebastian observed softly in concern, ignoring the question.
    “What do the spires mean? Why the cross?” Ani demanded, lowering her lips to Sebastian’s back and trailing kisses over each spire.
    “The spires represent the years spent in prison,” Sebastian replied, sucking in his breath as Ani’s lips touched his skin.
    “And the cross?” Ani persisted, resting her lips against it.
    “Sentence served,” Sebastian choked out, pressing his head against the window as Ani continued to trail her lips across his back.
    “The bells on your shoulders?” she whispered, running her tongue across his shoulder and the back of his neck from bell to bell.
    “Served full sentence, bell call to bell call, no parole,” Sebastian answered hoarsely.
    “The setting sun and birds flying above the church?” Ani asked as another streak of lightning flashed across Sebastian’s back.
    “Freedom,” Sebastian replied, finally turning around to face Ani who stood shivering and dripping wet in front of him. “You’re going to get sick if you don’t take off your wet clothes.”
    “I slept with Jordan last night,” Ani replied, looking sick.
    “He is your husband,” Sebastian replied mildly.
    “You still want me?” Ani choked out as Sebastian began to peel her dripping layers off of her shaking body.
    “I will always want you A,” Sebastian replied hoarsely, throwing Ani’s wet clothes on the floor and scooping her up.
    “I came here to talk to you, to try and make sense of everything,” Ani whispered as Sebastian laid her down on his bed and lifted her hands above her head, pinning them down with his arm.
    “No more talki ng,” Sebastian murmured, trailing kisses down Ani’s face and neck. “Now it’s my turn to look and touch. So soft, so

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