Parno's Destiny: The Black Sheep of Soulan: Book Two

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Book: Parno's Destiny: The Black Sheep of Soulan: Book Two by N.C. Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.C. Reed
before, and have been forced back day after day. You’ve sent them on their way tonight believing that starting tomorrow all of that is finished. It was well done, milord.”
    “Thank God,” Parno slumped in his seat. “You do realize that tomorrow is just going to kick over a hornet’s nest though, right?”
    “I do,” Davies nodded. “I only wish I was going with you to help with the kicking!”
    “No, you’re needed here, General,” Parno shook his head. “You still know far better than I the shape of the Army and the disposition of both our own men and the enemy’s. It’s better for you to be here.”
    “I hope to gain a week, perhaps even a bit longer in this near stalemate with tomorrow’s attack,” Parno explained. “If we can forestall the Nor return to the offensive, then we may have some more help coming. We’ll have to see. Until then however, we’re on our own. First thing we have to do is show the Nor they don’t get everything their own way.”
    “Good luck tomorrow, sir,” Davies offered his hand. “And Godspeed.”
    “To us all, General,” Parno accepted the offered hand. “To us all.”
    Parno rose early the next morning, before three. His aide, Captain Sprigs was waiting outside his tent fully dressed and ready when Parno walked outside.
    “Good Lord, Harrel, did you sleep at all?” Parno asked, shocked to see the man.
    “I did indeed, sir,” Sprigs replied, bowing slightly. “Breakfast will be ready ten minutes from your say so,” he added.
    “Then say so,” Parno nodded. “And join me,” he added.
    “Of course, milord,” Sprigs nodded again, then left to see to preparations. Parno stood by the fire, warming himself. It was still early in the year and mornings were on the cool side. He had been there no more than five minutes when Karls Willard walked up to join him.
    “Is everyone up before me?” Parno asked, causing Karls to smile.
    “Big day the rumors are saying,” he replied, holding his own hands out to the fire. “No one wants to miss out.”
    “We’ll see how long that lasts,” Parno snorted. “I really hope that everyone realizes this isn’t going to be like the Gap. We’re going into a real battle this morning, even if their right is unprepared. We’re taking about twenty-five thousand men, leaving aside the Horse Archers, and attacking the flank of an army ten times that size. I don’t even want to think of all the things that can go wrong. Horribly, terribly, ends badly for all concerned wrong.”
    “We’ll be fine,” Karls replied calmly, shrugging. “We’ll take losses, I’m sure, but. . .we’re hitting an unprepared force right at dawn. Their men will just be waking and prepared for another boring day in camp.” He grinned at that, and the firelight dancing across his face made him look evil indeed. “Won’t they be surprised!”
    “They’d better be or we’re done before we start,” Parno told him shortly. “Confidence is all well and good, Karls, but let’s not be cocky!”
    “I’m not,” Karls promised and wiped the smile from his face. “But I am confident. Parsons’ men did an excellent job gathering intelligence. We know exactly where the enemy is weakest and where we can hurt them the most. All the commanders have their orders. I admit they aren’t as good as the Sheep are, but they are good. Professionals. And they’ve been hit hard and pushed around. This is their chance to get some of their own back. Expect them to fight as hard as humanly possible.”
    “I do,” Parno nodded as Sprigs returned followed by two cooks. Parno was not surprised to see a plate for Karls as well. There was also a fourth plate, and just as Parno was about to ask who it was for, Enri Willard materialized from the dark and took a seat.
    “Morning, milord,” he said softly, gratefully accepting the plate Sprigs offered. Parno looked accusingly at his aide.
    “How did you know he’d be here?”
    “I didn’t,” Sprigs

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