The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance)

Read Online The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance) by Violet Jackson - Free Book Online

Book: The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance) by Violet Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Jackson
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door and paused in the doorway. He looked over his shoulder at me and said in an almost sad voice, “Just trust me. I didn’t ask her to come here. I would never do that to you. I hope you believe me.”
    Then he closed the door behind him.  Those last words really touched me. I believed those words that things just were not what they seemed. Maybe I was stupid, but I usually had a good gut instinct for these things, and Mark seemed genuinely sensitive toward treating me well.
    Now I was a prisoner in their bedroom. This continued to be more and more like a fairy tale. I opened the shutters and looked down at the street. It now represented freedom to me. I was locked in a tower like a princess. I laughed at that thought.
    I didn’t have any choices here. I desperately wanted to run away, but there was no other way out of here than to go downstairs.  I couldn’t leave the room, which meant I couldn’t leave the house. Unless I tied sheets together like a bandit and shimmied out the window. That was absurd! I laughed but I glanced over at the sheets anyway.
    Those thoughts were interrupted when raised voices echoed off the walls into the bedroom. They were still far enough away so I knew they were coming from somewhere downstairs, which made me feel relieved as I assumed it would be on the other side of my door at that point. I stood up and stepped slowly to the door and locked it. I felt like a child pressing my ear against the door, but I wanted to hear what was happening. The curiosity got the best of me. The door was a heavy thick piece of oak and let very little in, including sound.
    I strained to make out what was being said, but I only heard raised voices and not words. It was loud murmuring filled with anger and passion.  I looked at the water glass on the nightstand and grabbed it. I didn’t know if the glass to the wall trick was something that actually worked but might as well give it a try. I pressed it to the wall and my ear on the other end. I was surprised. It did work, sort of. It made the noise louder but not clearer. I still could not make out what they were saying.
    I gave up. There was no point, as I could not change the past. I moved away from the window and crawled into bed.
    I was exhausted from emotion and felt beyond drained. The thought of sleeping and giving my mind a vacation by having sweet dreams felt like the right thing to do at the moment. I must have been very tired because I soon fell into a deep slumber.
    I awoke later. I had no idea how much time passed. I crawled out of bed.
    Then I heard yelling. Now it all came flooding back. I had forgotten that I fell asleep because I was a prisoner in this room while Mark dealt with Karen. I couldn’t take this anymore. I was leaving. I needed to get to my car. I grabbed my purse and car keys and snuck down the stairs. I managed to get to the front door and escape. However, the door closed loudly behind me.
    “Is that her? Is that the whore you have staying in our house?” she yelled at him.
    “Karen. Stop this. Come back inside. You are being a fool.” Mark said it sternly but it was loud enough for me to hear and it was obvious she was coming out the door. I went quickly to my car and opened the door.
    I didn’t know what to do. I was embarrassed by her insults. Though she had every right to call me that, considering I had played the part of the other woman. It still felt awful. I sat in my car and turned the engine on. I saw Karen come out the door.
    I looked at her in her fury and distressed state of fear. I had not seen her since the hospital. I forgot how stunning she was.  Her long blonde hair was set against very pale skin with striking blue eyes and full lips. She was tall and thin and had an elegance to her when she moved. She was still elegant even when she was yelling and being crazy like she was then. 
    I looked at Mark for some sign of what to do. I needed guidance. Mark looked up at me and motioned for me to

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