The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance)

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Book: The Nurse's Secret Love (BWWM Romance) by Violet Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Jackson
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    “Is this her?” She yelled at Mark. “Is this the whore you’ve been hiding? She was in the house the whole time? You are unbelievable!”
    I didn’t want to acknowledge her at all. I wanted to leave as quickly as possible. I put the car in drive.
    “Where do you think you are going? You slut. Mark is mine! That’s right, leave and never come back!” she yelled after me. Mark pulled her back. I was realizing just how crazy she must be.
    “Do not talk like that to her!” Mark yelled at her as I drove away.
    I was surprised by his defense of me, as I wasn’t expecting anything. I was not used to anyone standing up for me. I usually had to do it myself. I was so focused on leaving as soon as possible that I didn’t even give a thought to my feelings, or that anyone else should. I drove slowly to my apartment and waited for a call from Mark. It never came. I fell asleep with the phone in my hand.
    Then two nights later, I was in a deep sleep. I was sleeping like a baby because the past few nights had me so exhausted from hours and hours of waiting to hear from Mark. Then I heard something that woke me up. It was my door buzzer. I looked at the clock. It was two a.m. I walked to the door and slowly pulled it open. It was Mark. He looked disheveled and worried.

CHAPTER 10 - Separation
    “Mark? How did you get here? You shouldn’t be driving.” I was truly concerned, as he did not look well. His blue eyes weren’t as bright as they usually were and he did not have that glow about him.
    “I took a cab. Can I come in?” he whispered.
    I moved aside and let him in. I closed the door behind us.
    “I’m sorry I waited so long to contact you. There’s something I need to tell you but I was struggling with whether I should or if it would make a difference.”
    “Okay, I’m listening,” I sat on the edge of the bed and listened as he told me a very long story. It was about Karen and everything that he had went through with her up to that point.
    He said that after I left she told him that she wanted to get back together. But the weird thing was that she somehow knew that he would be going back to work. She was after his money once more.
    I listened with complete disbelief. How could anyone so stunning be that crazy? I would almost think he was lying if I had not experienced a little of her crazy myself a few days ago.
    He continued on and the story got worse. Karen continued to be persistent with Mark, trying to win over his affections by constantly being around him. He again tried to explain to her that they were not a couple anymore and that he wanted a divorce. She was not happy about this and declared that she was pregnant with Mark’s child. Being the man that he is he accepted her word and prepared to take on the responsibilities of fatherhood. Then after some time, he forced her to take a test and she was not pregnant.
    Of course, it turned out that she was lying and faked the entire thing to force him to get back with her. Mark sat next to me on the bed and was silent for a few seconds. I tried to take it all in. Then he said, “That’s it. That’s all of it. I had to know the truth before I contacted you because I didn’t know what was happening.”
    “I see. I’m in shock. I had no idea.”
    He grabbed my hand in his and continued, “I wasn’t rejecting you. I wanted to be with you. I wanted to go down that path. A romantic path with you to explore it and see what could be, but she wouldn’t allow it. I didn’t want any harm to come to you; I have no idea what she’s capable of. That’s why I just stayed away from you until I figured things out. I’m very sorry that you had to endure that. I hope that one day you will forgive me.”
    “I forgive you, Mark.”
    “I honestly don’t know what to do. My attorneys are encouraging me to place a restraining order on her so that she has to keep her distance and maybe it will make her get out of my life

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