The Suspicious Proposal

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Book: The Suspicious Proposal by Cherry Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Kay
people instead of really loving them. I don't think you have it in your heart to ever really love anyone, but lucky for me, I found out before it was too late.
    “Here's your ring back. I'm not going to be your wife. I'm not even going to be your friend, Logan Grayson. There's nothing left between us, and there won't ever be. I'm done. Go use someone else."
    Glaring daggers at him, she dropped the ring in his hand and shook her head at him, struggling to hold in the tears she felt that were trying to fill her eyes.
    "Go to hell,” she said coldly, and then she turned and walked to the door.
    "Wait!" Logan called after her, panic seeming to suddenly come over him.
    She ignored him. He called after her again and came hurrying behind her, but she walked through the office door and slammed it shut behind her, leaving both men inside.
    Brittany was out of the house and in her car in moments, driving down the road as Logan ran outside and waved to her, calling her name out and running after her a short distance before giving up.
    The moment his massive home was out of sight, but well before she was off his driveway and onto the main street, the tears she had been holding back spilled from her eyes and she began to let out the emotion that was choking her. She felt the cries in her, strangling her as she began to let them out in sobs.
    He was going to use her. He had been using her all along for nothing more than money. Everything he had done with her and for her had been a lie. Everything he had said to her, everything he was doing and planned to do with her, had been nothing but a lie, and she meant nothing to him at all.
    The horror of it made her want to vomit. She wiped her eyes as she drove, trying to get back to her home in one piece before she broke down any further.
    By the time she got home, she was trembling with pain and rage and Logan had been blowing her phone up with phone calls and texts, but she had ignored it and left it in her purse where she had tossed it when she saw the first phone call he had made to her.
    There was nothing that he could say to her that would change her mind or make her think that he was anything more than what he was; a monster. She had believed everything, and now here she was with the worst broken heart she had ever had in her life.
    Brittany parked her car in front of her house. She made it up the steps and into the door, locking the door behind her. Then she nearly crawled to her bed where she curled up in a ball beneath the blanket and sobbed until her body was shed of every tear and she could no longer breathe. She fell asleep in complete and utter exhaustion.
    When she awoke, it was several hours later and she felt raw and broken and beaten. She felt as if her insides had been hollowed out viciously, and there was nothing left in her. She had no desire to leave her bed, and no desire to do anything but go back to sleep and block the world away.
    She called in sick to work and told them she didn't know when she would be in. They told her to take all the time she needed and she was sure that she could never take enough time to heal the hole in her heart that Logan Grayson had put there.
    The memories in his office flooded back to her. Listening to him talk with Sherman, and then going in and seeing both of them. They were talking about it as if it was a business deal. Nothing more than a business deal. She was nothing to him. Nothing at all. It had seemed so mundane to them. She could not believe it as she laid there in her bed and felt like the entire world had ended.
    For her it was everything and for them it was nothing more than a deadline. It was nothing more than just a way to keep his money, and she would have been tossed out with the trash at the end of it, probably just after he got his inheritance.
    She fully understood the prenuptial agreement then and why it was necessary; so she wouldn't try to take him for

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