The Summit

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Book: The Summit by Kat Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Martin
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of people have asked me about her. What makes you think I’ve got something new to say?”
    â€œI don’t know…I was hoping…It’s been six years since Molly disappeared. You’ve been locked up for most of that time. I thought maybe by now you might be more forthcoming where Molly is concerned.”
    â€œWhat’s it to you, one way or the other?”
    â€œI’m a…friend of the family. I’m just trying to find out if Molly is really dead.”
    Dark eyes bored into her. “You don’t think so? Everyone else is sure I killed her.”
    â€œDid you?”
    He didn’t answer for the longest time. “It took guts for you to come. The guys in here would eat you up with a spoon if they had the chance. They’ll all be jealous when I tell ’em what my visitor looked like.” Those sunken eyes moved over her, making her skin crawl. “I bet you were a real pretty little thing, Autumn Sommers, when you were a little girl. Those bright green eyes and all that silky red-gold hair. If I’d seen you back then—”
    â€œI came here to talk about Molly,” Autumn interrupted, ignoring the sick feeling in her stomach and the suddenly too-fast pounding of her heart.
    Gerald Meeks looked her in the eye. “I would have told ’em, but they wouldn’t have listened if I had, so I just kept quiet.”
    â€œTold them what?”
    â€œYou want the truth? I never laid eyes on Molly McKenzie. I didn’t kill her. I wasn’t anywhere near her. I just figured…let ’em keep guessing, what do I care? Kind of gave me a chuckle in the middle of the night, those cops all thinkin’ it was me.”
    For several seconds Autumn just sat there. Of course, there was no way to know for sure if Gerald Meeks was telling the truth, but Autumn believed him completely.
    From what she had read, after his arrest Meeks had bragged about the murders he had committed but he had never mentioned little Molly.
    â€œThank you for your candor, Mr. Meeks.”
    â€œMy…pleasure…” Meeks rose and so did she. She could feel his eyes on her all the way to the door.
    Relief washed over her as the door closed behind her and she headed back down the hall. She returned to the screening area to be re-checked before being allowed to leave.
    As she pushed through the doors of the main building and walked out into the sunshine, she took a deep breath of clean Oregon air. Though no one had physically touched her, she felt as if she needed a long, hot shower. She couldn’t wait till she got to her friend Sandy’s house so she could bathe and put on fresh clothes.
    It was ridiculous. The facility was clean and well cared for but that didn’t change the way she felt. In truth, it was a dismal experience, but the trip had been worth it.
    Autumn was even more convinced that Molly McKenzie was alive and reaching out to her for help.
    She had to see Ben. This time Autumn had something to tell him that might make him listen. Or at least she hoped he would.
    Sitting in the Coffee Bean Café across the street from the McKenzie building after work on Monday night, she felt like the stalker he believed her to be. She had no idea what time he might leave his office, but she had arrived at five-thirty, determined to wait until midnight if she had to.
    Fortunately, Ben walked through the glass lobby doors onto the sidewalk at six-thirty. Autumn waited until he reached the corner, then slipped out of the café and followed him down the street, careful to keep her distance and stay in the shadows. She shuddered to think what McKenzie might do if he realized she was there.
    She had no idea where he might be going, but she was hoping to find a place where she could corner him, make him listen without creating a scene. She kept pace with him—she didn’t want to lose him—but didn’t get too close.
    She wondered where he was

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