The Storm Inside

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Book: The Storm Inside by Alexis Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Anne
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floor was dark wood that matched everything else in the old house from the forties, and covering that was a thick red oriental rug. A long leather ottoman stood in the center of the room with a matching couch on one side and mismatched armchairs on the other. Blankets were draped over every available corner.
    On the left wall was my enormous wood desk surrounded by more bookshelves. It was the exact library I dreamed of having.
    “Just like I pictured it,” he murmured.
    “Sometimes I spend all day in here.”
    He nodded and walked quickly around the room, “It’s like being inside your head.”
    The temperature in the room dropped. The electric pull between us was stronger than ever.
    To say I was confused was an understatement. I hated the man standing across the room from me just as strongly as I loved him.
    “We should get back to the party,” I murmured, turning and leaving.
    “You’ve done amazing things with your life, Eve.”
    I paused, part of me wanting to turn around, sit down on that comfy leather couch, and talk to my former best friend for hours. But I knew I couldn’t do that, it would hurt too much. “Thank you,” it was barely more than a whisper. My heart was being strangled by my rising emotions.
    “You are very welcome.”
    I took a deep breath and rejoined the party.
    We kept our distance for the rest of the night. I never had to say ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ or ask for Ricardo to throw Jake out on his backside. In fact, I was feeling pretty good. Yes, I was attracted to Jake and I mourned the loss of his friendship as much as I ever had… but all of it was surprisingly manageable.
    Until my phone rang.
    Things were put in motion that were about to change all that.
    “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Jennie asked. She was buzzing hard, a permanent grin affixed to her pretty face, and a non-stop stream of babbling pouring out of her mouth.
    “That was Dad. He and Mom are hopping a flight to see June.”
    Jennie frowned, pulling her brows down, “Oh no. Is everything ok?”
    I shrugged, “Probably. Apparently mom didn’t like the sound of June’s voice.” Everyone chuckled good-naturedly at my mother’s over-protectiveness. I probably shouldn’t have said what I said next, but I’d had a few drinks and I was relaxed. I didn’t think about the potential ramifications. “They were planning a cookout this weekend and all the food is going to go to waste, he asked if we wanted to come down and use up the food for them.”
    Jennie’s face lit up immediately and she started a ridiculous bouncing thing. “Oh, yes! Let’s get the whole gang. We haven’t had a party at your parent’s house in what… two years?”
    I nodded, “Yep, since Max destroyed the guest suite.”
    Jake’s eyebrows shot up, “You’ve got to be kidding me…”
    Jennie shook her head, “Oh no. The party got seriously out of control. Stephen got lost on the beach and we found him asleep in a sand dune the next morning. Sylvia—”
    She and Ricardo groaned, “No, please don’t remind us!”
    Jennie grinned, “These two knuckleheads had sex on the boat and passed out. Luckily the shoddy anchor job held. And poor Max…” Jennie looked over at me with the saddest eyes. She had the worst crush on the poor lunk head. He was an artist at heart, but usually veered dangerously close to rock star status without actually achieving it. His band had played for hours that night and somehow managed to trash one of my parent’s guest houses. Joe made the boys come back every weekend for a month to help the contractor piece it back together and redecorate it. Not to mention he made them pay for it. “Let’s just say he’s never lived that night down. Joe didn’t let him come for Thanksgiving that year…”
    It was the perfect weekend to get away. The Rays were on the road until Tuesday, so my schedule was completely flexible. Maybe a nice weekend away with my friends would be fun…
    Then Jennie said what changed

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