The Stone Sisters: Lyssa (The Stones Sisters Book 1)

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Book: The Stone Sisters: Lyssa (The Stones Sisters Book 1) by Bekah Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bekah Clark
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when they arrive.  Seriously, do they even want it?  Do we even need it?"
    "Human girls eat salad!"
    "I'll make it when they get here!  And knock it off with the 'human' thing.  You never know who's around."
    Shaking her head, Lexa checked a few things and then decided to change herself.   Unlike Lyssa and the flannels, Lexa opted for a loose pair of jeans and a bulky sweater.   It was almost cold enough for it now and the girls usually kept the house a little bit more on the colder side.   When the bell rang, Lexx dashed down the stairs and opened the door with a grin.
    “Come on in!”
    Missy bounded in and gave Lexa a big hug.   Anna walked in slowly and looked around for a moment before saying softly, “Your house is nice.”
    “Thanks!   I didn’t pick it though so…”
    Grinning, she dragged the two girls into the main part of the house.   When they saw Lyssa reading away in her polka dot flannel pants and some vintage video game t-shirt, Missy’s mouth dropped open.   Anna actually giggled.
    “Please tell me you will never let Kyle see you like that!”
    Lyssa glanced up at him and smiled, “Why not?”
    “He might realize you are too weird and that will be that.”
    Grinning evilly, Lyssa remarked, “Then I hope he does.   I can’t shake him.   I don’t want a boyfriend.   I want to buckle down and finish school.”
    Missy’s brows shot up, “Yep, weirdo.   You got the hottest guy in school wanting to date you and you’re trying to put him off?”
    Lyssa shrugged and got up, “I’m going to make the salad now, Lexa.”
    Once Lyssa was out of earshot, Missy said softly, “Your sister is the weirdest girl I have ever met.   I have no clue what Kyle sees in her.   I mean other than her being pretty.   But there are a lot of pretty girls in school.”
    “Maybe he likes weirdos,” Anna said softly.
    Lexa shrugged, “Come on.   I’ll get dinner started.   When Lyssa is done with her salad she can help you with your homework.”
    While Lexa cooked, Lyssa worked with the girls.   It always amazed Lexa the ease and calm in which Lyssa could teach other people.   Lexa often fantasized about Lyssa teaching her and then they could have been in the same grade.   But, deep down, she knew that was impossible.   Lyssa was infinitely patient when it came to other people.   When it came to Lexa, Lyss would get frustrated.   She couldn’t understand why her sister wasn’t grasping the concepts she was teaching.   It wasn’t Lexa’s fault.   She just didn’t have a grasp on things that she considered boring as hell and pointless.   Were they going to go to college?   Have real jobs?   What was the point?
    So, they had a silent deal.   Lyssa and Lexa would never study together unless absolutely necessary and Lexx would maintain average grades in average classes.
    After she was finished cooking, the girls put their studies away and started eating.   Lexa beamed under the praise and even though the other two didn’t eat as much as Lyssa and Lexa, they ate well.   Mostly they ate salad.   Lexx gave her sister the eye.   Lyssa rolled her own eyes right back at her.   She hated being wrong.
    Lyssa did the dishes quietly and the girls sat at the side bar and watched her.   Missy said softly, “Shouldn’t we be helping her?”
    “No,” Lyssa said, “The deal is Lexa cooks, I do dishes.   Lexa cleans the house and I do the laundry.   I also make salads upon request.”
    Lyssa turned with that last remark and winked.   Anna got up and started to wander around the room.   The exterior of the house was a big Victorian but the inside had been renovated into an open concept.   The kitchen and dining area opened into a large living room.
    “This TV is massive,” Anna said, “And you have a killer movie collection.   But why are there so many old sci-fi movies?”
    Lexa hopped off

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