The Stone Sisters: Lyssa (The Stones Sisters Book 1)

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Book: The Stone Sisters: Lyssa (The Stones Sisters Book 1) by Bekah Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bekah Clark
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his eyes and that was what he wanted.   When she finally spoke, it was one word that she barely breathed, “Yes.”
    With a grin, he brought her over to his black Beamer and opened the passenger door.   His dad always said to open the door for a woman.   He was old fashioned that way.   However, Kyle’s mother really seemed to like it, so he figured he’d try with Lyssa.    Lyssa blushed and got into the car with a little bit of a smile.   Score one for dad’s advice.
    As soon as he started down the driveway, Lyssa asked, “Where are we going?”
    Kyle kept quiet as he headed towards the highway.   Lyssa wasn’t having that and she asked again, “Where are we going?”
    “It’s a secret.   Tell me something true.”
    He could see Lyssa turn to him from the corner of his eye.   For a moment, she studied him and then asked, “What?”
    “Tell me something true.   Just anything about you that is true.”
    She frowned, but eventually answered, “I like fast cars.”
    Kyle laughed and shook his head, “Something I don’t know!”
    She was quiet and stared out the window.   Frowning, Kyle wondered if this date was going to work out.   If she wouldn’t even answer a question, it would be a long day.   They drove on in silence for ten minutes.   Great, he thought, this is going to be a long day.
    “Vanilla.   I like vanilla.”
    Smiling, Kyle turned to her, “Vanilla, huh.   Why?”
    “It goes with everything.   Cake, pies, cookies.   Plus you can put all kinds of toppings on it.”
    “Vanilla,” Kyle smiled.   She hadn’t seemed the vanilla type but her reason was funny.   It meant she could have a little of everything with it.
    “So, what?” He asked with a grin.
    She let out a frustrated sigh, “What is your favorite flavor?”
    She nodded and fell silent again.   It was obvious that Lyssa had no experience with guys.   Kyle was finding it a little difficult because he wasn’t used to such quiet girls.   The girls he had dated in the past always chattered non-stop.   However, he wasn’t about to back down from a challenge.   “Tell…”
    “Tell me something true,” she said.   Kyle closed his mouth and glanced over at Lyssa.   She was smirking.   “Not so easy, is it?”
    “Oh, is that how it’s going to be?”
    She giggled, “That’s how it’s going to be.”
    Kyle smiled smugly.   He got her to giggle.   Now he had to think of something to tell her.   Something better than ice cream flavors.   He frowned.   She was right.   It really was hard.   A certain thing in particular that popped into his mind he just wasn’t ready to share yet.   Other things were just either too stupid or just plain old too embarrassing to share.
    “I know you love science fiction, but I prefer fantasy novels.”
    She tilted her head and he could see her studying him out of the corner of his eye.   Softly she said, “What’s your favorite?”
    “Lord of the Rings.”
    “Alright,” she responded, “I’ll read that if you read Dune.”
    Kyle grinned, “Deal.”
    On they went as they drove up, sharing inane tidbits about their lives with each other.   Kyle found that she played things close to the vest.   It was as if she was protecting herself or hiding something.   He wasn’t sure what it was, but he didn’t want to press either.   Not yet.   Not until she was comfortable telling him.   After all, he was hiding things too.
    However, his secrets aside, that was the thing.   He wanted her to be comfortable with him.   He wanted her to share herself with him.   The more he learned about her, the more he was determined there would be a date number two.   And more if he could just convince her.   Glancing over, he watched her smile as she went on about her favorite TV show.   It was old and out of date and he found it

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