The Siren Series 2
Lucas resisted his mixed nature, railed
against it.
    In the end, he succumbed.
    He strode out of his chamber and within two
paces his eyes caught sight of something which glittered on the
steaming floor.
    It shone.
    Like melting jewels.
    Lucas hunkered down next to those shimmering
    Ice! His mind supplied in curiosity.
Lucas turned that curiosity over in his mind, trying to make sense
of finding ice in the bowels of Hades.
    His gaze jerked up and he stood, the few he had
collected melting against his hand.
    They were tears.
    Alexandra's tears.
    Lucas slowly turned in a full circle, taking in
the breadth and width of the broiling corridor. Where had she gone?
His hand involuntarily clenched around the small chunks of ice,
crushing them inside his palm.
    His nostrils flared, taking in the scent he knew
was hers... and found it.
    Fear, confusion and anger were mixed, his
olfactory senses uniquely designed to find breeders; another Druid
offshoot, both blessing and curse.
    Lucas scowled, ignoring the rippling steam that
rose in response to his emotions.
    He understood that he had put the confusion and
anger there. Lucas had sent her a slew of mixed signals. It was a
defense mechanism on his part. Part survival instinct, part loyalty
to the High Demon subjects he oversaw.
    However, there was one emotion that did not
    The fear.
    Alexandra should not have felt fear.
    Lucas hesitated, he could not have been leader
of the High Demons for centuries without some degree of intuition.
He allowed his gaze to sharpen, taking in his surroundings to the
minutest detail. As Alexandra's icy tears slicked his palm with her
sadness he found what he was looking for and a fine enlightening
rage swept over him like a heatwave.
    A scrap of pale violet material lay along the
wall of the corridor, partially singed by the heat.
    It was the sheer panel that had covered the
cleft of her womanhood.
    It had been torn away.
    Horns sprouted on top of his head with a painful
push and Lucas' vision slid to the red of battle.
    Some Demon males had thought to whisk Alexandra
away. He had paid her too much attention, held onto her as his main
concubine too long. Made her vulnerable by his want of her.
    They simply wished to taste of the hot fruit of
her womb.
    They would die for their presumptuous
    Lucas followed the unique female scent that
Alexandra put off. Mixed with the seed of his own body, it was
    There would be a bloody retribution unlike any
that these demons had encountered.
    How dare they take my female! his Druid
side raged.
    How indeed , his demonic side echoed.
    The demon on one side of his shoulder and the
mythical angel on the other conferred with each other and agreed on
the plan of action.
    Death to the Demons.

    Constantine carried Ember tirelessly. When they
neared the sea, and the sun became a bright orb in the sky, Con
shadow walked, but grew weaker. He was not Druid enough to master
the daylight. A low haze covered the paleness of his skin. As he
grew fatigued, Ember strengthened. She was Mer, and the ocean rose
like a great blue jewel in the distance, the late autumn giving it
the reflection of cerulean deepness that no other season
    “Set me down, vampire,” Ember said.
    Constantine did, his breathing labored. “That is
an improvement over, Faction,” he said with a caustic bite.
    Ember was embarrassed, she had treated him like
he was beneath her... again. Twice he'd saved her and she had not
given him anything. After what had occurred, perhaps she had
nothing left to give.
    Con waited, giving her the gaze of the Mer, for
his eyes were deep mirrored ebony in his pale face, his color was
not good. Ember searched his body and found it wanting, his normal
sarcasm and vigor were not in evidence, tiredness wore on the
vestiges of his huge and muscular frame.
    Ember remembered how he'd covered her after...
after the human males and almost the Demon.
    “Thank you,” Ember said.

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