disabused of that notion. Justinian will never allow an industry of such wealth to remain free. He will of a surety seize it for himself and create a state monopoly.’
‘Ah. Then—’
‘You will be compensated, no doubt. But the greater difficulty is in the getting of the seeds. As I understand it, silk comes from Sinae or Serica as some would call it, the land of the Seres people. This is at an unknowable distance beyond even the Persian frontier. Cloud-piercing mountains have been mentioned, I believe. To reach it, therefore, your expedition cannot but enter upon the lands and territory of King Khosroe of the Sassanid Persians with whom, let me remind you, we are currently bound with a fifty-year treaty of perpetual amity.
‘He will naturally resist any Roman attempt to break his hold over the silk trade and if your party is armed, as it must assuredly be, then it will mean war. The Emperor is sorely distracted by the loss of Rome and would never contemplate another Persian war, no matter what the advantages. I cannot readily see how you will overcome this, gentlemen.’
‘We’ll go around them.’
‘March a small expedition into the very lair of the Goths? I rather think not.’
Nicander replied hastily, ‘Then we go in disguise! Just we two, honest merchants about our business.’
‘And be instantly taken up as Roman spies? Your Persian is an epicure in the arts of torture – the very least you might expect is to be impaled through the anus and raised on high as a caution to us all.’
John the Cappadocian smiled serenely. ‘However, I like the conceit of disguise, on reflection it merely needs refinement. I can well see how it might be handled.’ He steepled his hands.
‘Please go on, sir,’ Nicander said.
‘Then it is this. A brace of devout and intrepid gentlemen of god, of whatever species they may be, might without excessive hindrance pass through the lands of Zoroaster about their holy mission.’
‘Be buggered to that! I’ll not prat about like a poxy monk for any man!’ Marius burst out.
‘Did I say you must? You asked me for advice, I’m laying out the alternatives, wherever they might lead …’
‘Yes, yes, please continue, sir!’ Nicander spluttered, glaring at Marius.
‘So, you do not propose to go in the nature of a military expedition. This will greatly reduce expenses and will be looked upon favourably.’
Nicander brightened.
‘Yet the sum needed will remain substantial.’
‘For our travel needs?’
‘Not so. You will be begging your way in the usual fashion and, of course, living frugally. No, I was more thinking about far kingdoms and strange peoples. I would find it singular, indeed, should your way be not greatly eased by the judicious laying out of inducements.’
‘Bribe our way out of situations.’
‘That is not the customary term, but it will serve. And naturally when in the fabled land of the Seres, will not your persuasion to loosen their grip on a trifle of seeds be in the nature of things golden?’
For the first time it was all looking possible. ‘It does appear we have a basis for moving ahead on the project,’ Nicander replied. ‘What do you think are our chances – with Emperor Justinian, that is?’
John the Cappadocian eased into an oily smile. ‘Why, I would have thoughtquite positive. The idea will, without a doubt, attract his interest and a few hundred thousands to him is neither here nor there. With my considerable help you will gain his attention in this.
‘You will, of course, be presenting a costed estimate based on a comprehensive plan with distances, timing and good evidence of your knowledge of the impediments to be encountered. Whether he will consider you yourselves as suitable for the expedition will depend on your credibility, otherwise you will be thanked with a pittance for your suggestion and others will be appointed.’
‘I understand, sir. We’ll begin work on it immediately! There is the question of
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