The Sight Seer

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Book: The Sight Seer by Melissa Giorgio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Giorgio
was up to me to get her out of there before she found herself inadvertently caught up in the fight.
    And Rafe had wanted me to stay in the mall.
    Creeping around the Dumpster (because there was no way in hell I was climbing over that thing, à la Rafe), I approached her slowly with my hands raised to show her I meant no harm. Still, she cowered from me, her blue eyes so wide I expected them to fall out of her face.
    “Think you can do me a favor and go back inside the mall?” I asked. Shaking so hard I could hear her teeth chatter, the girl didn’t answer. Resisting the urge to smack some sense into her, I instead reached for her arm. She shrieked and tried to pull away, but I held on fast. “Listen to me! You need to get back inside! Right now!”
    “W-What’s wrong with h-him?” she stammered.
    Obviously, she meant Hornboy, who was currently sporting skin the color of a cherry tomato. It went along nicely with his horns and tail. Geez, this Satan-wannabe had zero imagination. Heaving a sigh, I told her, “Drugs.”
    She blinked at me. “What? Drugs don’t do that to you!”
    What, now she was a freaking expert on drugs? What happened to being scared half to death? Fixing her with my death glare, I said, “This is a new, highly illegal type of drug that turns your skin all sorts of colors.”
    “Are you a cop?”
    “Uh, yeah, sure.” If that’s what she wanted to believe, then fine by me.
    “You’re a little young, aren’t you?”
    I’m older than you! Grimacing, I said, “They hired me to do undercover stuff. Like…sting operations, you know? Go into stores and see if people sell you cigarettes or beer even though you’re obviously underage?” The girl nodded, finally grasping what I was saying. “So we do the same thing, only with drugs. And drug dealers, obviously. Since you can’t exactly walk into a store and buy drugs.” Crap, I was rambling. She was definitely going to realize I was lying.
    “And that guy is a cop, too?” She pointed at Rafe, who was currently rolling away from the demon.
    “Cops fight with swords?”
    Double crap. “Err, well, he’s one of those, uh… anti-gun people? So they let him have a sword…” Growling with frustration, I pointed a finger at her. “Look, just get inside! Go find your friends or whoever you came with and tell them to take you home and forget any of this ever happened. Do you understand?!”
    She must have realized from the look on my face that I was not playing around because she finally nodded and backed away toward the mall’s entrance.
    “Oh, and hey?” I added. She paused to look at me. “Do yourself a favor and stay away from creeps in the future, alright?” Nodding again, she dashed away, her shopping bags hitting against her legs as she disappeared around the corner. I sighed in relief. That was one crisis taken care of. And if she stupidly decided to blab about what she’d seen to someone, they’d lock her up for insanity.
    I turned around to watch the rest of the battle play out (there had been a lot of manly grunting and snarling going on behind me) and gasped. Hornboy was a lot closer than I realized; luckily, it had its back to me as it focused entirely on Rafe.
    Then Rafe was swinging, heads were rolling, and green blood was flying.
    Towards me.
    I shrieked and stumbled, landing hard on my butt as the stinky, chunky, sour milk-smelling blood splashed across the ground, the walls, the Dumpster, and my shoes.
    My poor shoes. My poor, poor, only-worn-them-a-few-times-but-I-loved-them-immensely shoes.
    “Gabi!” Rafe ran up, breathing hard. He took one look at me and paled. “Oh crap.” Meanwhile, behind him, the headless demon toppled over, more blood spilling from its neck. I scrambled away before a puddle could form and further drench me. But still. The damage was already done as far as I was concerned.
    “Why do my clothes always get ruined when I’m around you?” I wailed.
    He winced. “Well,

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