The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse

Read Online The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse by Scarlet Hyacinth - Free Book Online

Book: The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Romance, Romance MM, erotic MM
Skylar meant too much to him, and Byron would not rush through this.

    Scarlet Hyacinth
    At the same time, Byron had looked into Skylar’s past and he suspected Skylar was a virgin. It unsettled him greatly and contributed to his past decision of not pursuing a relationship with Skylar. Men and women with experience had trouble taking Byron’s cocks. He couldn’t exactly use only one, since the two appendices joined together during copulation, just like in nature. For Skylar, accepting them would be next to impossible. He wanted to be inside Skylar, God how he wanted it, but before that happened, he would do his utmost to make sure Skylar would not be hurt.
    Currently, though, Skylar seemed to be enjoying this very much.
    His testicles made contact to the heads of Byron’s pricks, and even if the touch was innocent compared to other things Byron had done, it still felt amazing. Skylar arched against him and pushed his ass back, spreading his legs wider. Byron reached for his lover’s cock and massaged Skylar’s prick as he continued to thrust between Skylar’s smooth thighs. God, even if this was all they ever got to do, it went beyond all the kinks Byron had tested on other people, simply because he was with Skylar.
    Given the arousal that had been simmering inside him, it didn’t take long for him to approach climax. Barely managing to suppress the urge to dig his sharp teeth into Skylar’s skin, Byron found his peak, with Skylar following mere moments after. Byron turned Skylar around and stared into the seahorse’s eyes. Skylar simply smiled and gave him a content look, and Byron couldn’t help but lean in for a brief kiss.
    The beast inside him felt ravenous. Sharks were known for their voraciousness, after all, and now that he’d had a sample of Skylar, Byron needed more.
    He broke the kiss and murmured against Skylar’s lips, “What do you say we take this to my bedroom?”
    Skylar nodded, his gorgeous eyes still glazed over with lust. “I’d like that,” he croaked out.

    The Shark Who Rode a Seahorse
    Byron grabbed his lover in his arms and walked out of the pool.
    Leaving the swimming area didn’t present a problem, since it was built with a direct entrance to the main house. He didn’t bother with clothing, either. He’d just have to take it off again, and it would be a pain and a delay to being closer to Skylar.
    However, Skylar seemed a bit reluctant to walk around in the buff.
    “What about your staff? What will they say?”
    “Nothing,” Byron replied. “They know to stay out of my way when I’m home with someone.”
    It was true. Byron paid the men and women who worked for him well, and in exchange, they catered to his every whim, no matter how peculiar. They’d learned to fear him and to anticipate what he wanted and needed.
    Skylar didn’t look convinced, so Byron grabbed his jacket and draped it over his lover’s body for modesty. Truthfully, he didn’t want to take any chance in having someone see Skylar’s nudity. He couldn’t guarantee his reaction wouldn’t leave behind a bloody mess.
    However, he didn’t put on his own clothing. Even if he felt apprehensive about someone seeing his genitals, he was in his own home and his people knew better than to disturb him during his romps.
    They left the covered swimming pool and entered the main house.
    As Byron expected, there was no one around. The lights turned on as he walked through the hallways, and for about a second, Byron considered showing Skylar around some more. It didn’t take long for him to decide against it and he headed upstairs instead.
    His bedroom had suffered through a lot of modifications. Not only had he tied it in with the office he’d turned into a dungeon, but he’d torn apart the wall between the adjoining guest room and made the entire master suite larger. After all, he was a big man. He needed his space.
    Even so, the only thing he really used in the place was the big king-size bed. A

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