Kissing in Kansas

Read Online Kissing in Kansas by Kirsten Osbourne - Free Book Online

Book: Kissing in Kansas by Kirsten Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsten Osbourne
Tags: Romance, Western, Romantic Comedy, Westerns
the wrong beds."
    Samara sighed.  "Of course, I did.  Let me find a good book."  She walked to their bookshelf and picked out two books, both by Dr. Seuss.  She was a huge Dr. Seuss fan.  She moved to sit between the girls and opened up Green Eggs and Ham.
    The girls were great listeners, taking turns flipping to the next page for her.  They loved Green Eggs and Ham and giggled hysterically through Hop on Pop .
    When she closed Hop on Pop she kissed each girl on the forehead.  "Get back in your beds, and under your covers, and I'll tuck you in again."
    "Can we have more stories tomorrow?" Avy asked after they'd complied, and Samara was tucking her in to sleep.
    "Absolutely.  Tomorrow night, I'll let each of you pick out one story."
    Abby smiled, hugging Samara when it was her turn to be tucked.  "I love reading stories.  You're going to be the best aunt ever ."
    Samara laughed.  "I'll certainly try to be."  She left the room, shutting off the light, and immediately went to her office. 
    She powered up her computer and ordered each of the girls ten shirts that were identical with small differences.  There.  She wouldn't have a hard time telling them apart now.  While she was there, she also ordered several bath toys for them.  She was a strong believer in good bath toys.  Yes, that was the answer.
    Since wearing her sexy nightgown hadn't really worked on Henry the night before, she went to bed in her usual panties and a tee-shirt. 
    When she walked into the room where Henry was already in bed, he closed his eyes.  "Are you trying to kill me?"
    "Of course not.  I just want you to think of me as attractive."  She moved to the center of the bed, pressing as close to him as possible.  "You do think I'm attractive, don't you, Henry?"
    "I think you're trying to kill me," he said, rolling to his side so his back was to her.
    Samara didn't take a moment to think, instead, she pressed up against his back, her breasts against him and her knees tucked behind his.  She rested her cheek on his back with a smile.  "I think you're pretty sexy, Henry Crider."
    He groaned.  "Stop saying things like that to me."
    "Oh, I couldn't.  I would never lie to you.  I won't even tell you your skin will fall off if you bathe too much."
    "Am I ever going to live that down?"

Chapter Five
    Henry woke Samara at half past five the following morning.  "I need to leave for work by 6:15, and we all like to eat breakfast together."
    Samara groaned, but rolled out of bed.  Henry was already dressed for the day.  "Give me five minutes." 
    When she got downstairs five minutes later, the girls were sitting at the table wearing their pajamas, and Henry was giving them each a glass of milk.  "So what should I make for breakfast?" she asked.
    "Pancakes!" Avy said.
    "Yeah, pancakes!" Abby responded.
    "With bacon," Henry told her with a grin.
    "I'm starting to feel like a short order cook around here," she grumbled under her breath as she got down a mixing bowl and turned on a burner on the electric stove so the griddle could heat while she was mixing up the pancakes.
    Henry walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.  "Thank you for cooking breakfast for us," he whispered against her ear.
    Samara left the whisk in the bowl, and turned around, her mouth going to his.  She knew the twins were watching, so she didn't let her hands roam, but she gave him a kiss he wouldn't forget while he was working that day.
    When he lifted his head, she could see that his eyes seemed a bit glazed.  "Go sit down so I can cook," she said, reaching for the coffee pot.  He'd had the brains to start the coffee before waking her, and she drank a mug-full while she stood guard over the pancakes. 
    Once she was seated, they all held hands, and Henry prayed for them again. 
    The girls went on and on during the meal about how she was the 'best pancake maker in the world.' 
    "I'm glad you like them!  What did Uncle Henry make for

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