The Shadow Of What Was Lost
over the next few
weeks, Davian. Stay out of sight where you can. People will be looking for
    He opened the door and slipped
through, shutting it again behind him.
    Davian sat for a few minutes,
just holding the bronze box Ilseth had given him, trying to gather his
scattered thoughts. Was this really happening? Dazedly, he recalled what he’d
overheard earlier that day. Could he be 'the boy' Talean and Ilseth had been
talking about, that the Northwarden himself was so interested in? He dismissed
the idea immediately. If the other Elders had no knowledge of his ability,
there was no way the Northwarden would.
    He stood mechanically, fetching a
bag from beneath his bed and throwing his scant belongings into it. A couple of
plain woollen tunics, a pair of trousers, the cloak Mistress Alita had given
him for his last birthday. He had not bothered to undress for bed; he tucked
the pouch of coins safely into his belt, hidden from view. Bandits would be an
issue on the road anyway, but there was no benefit to tempting them.
    The box Ilseth had given him, he
wrapped in its cloth and then slipped into a pocket. It was bulky, but if it
was as important as Ilseth said, the discomfort was worth having it on his
    Just as he finished, another soft
knock from the hallway – this one familiar – made him curse silently. Wirr’s
timing couldn’t have been worse.
    He hesitated, considering just waiting
until his friend left. The room was unlocked though, and locking it would give
away the fact he was there; Wirr was just as likely to come in uninvited as he
was to give up.
    Moving quietly, Davian stuffed
the bag beneath his bed.
    Wirr looked up as the door swung
open, a solemn expression in place of his usual grin. Davian gestured for him
to enter, mind racing. There were only minutes before he had to leave, and Wirr
would want to stay for longer than that.
    He came to a decision before the
door was shut. Ilseth had warned him not to talk to anyone, but this was Wirr.
Besides, he needed to tell someone .
    “I’m leaving, Wirr. Tonight.” He
said the words softly but firmly.
    Wirr blinked. “ What ?” He
had begun to sit, but now stood again, shaking his head. “Dav, no! That’s a bad idea. I know becoming a Shadow is a terrifying thought, but -”
    “I’m not running away,” Davian
interrupted. “Elder Tenvar, from Tol Athian, was just here. He asked me to go.”
He hurriedly related the conversation, finishing by reaching into his pocket
and pulling out the bronze Vessel. He unwrapped the cloth cover and held it up
for Wirr’s inspection. “The Elder doesn’t know what this is, only that it will
guide me to where I need to go - somewhere to the north. Once I get there, I’ll
start my training. Learn how to become an Augur. Hopefully help seal up the
Boundary again, before it's too late.”
    Wirr, who had listened to the
entire story in silence, frowned. “You’re sure he was telling the truth?”
    “Yes. Completely. I wouldn’t be
doing this otherwise.”
    Wirr’s expression didn’t change;
if anything his frown deepened as he thought. “’North’ is a little vague, don’t
you think?”
    Davian shrugged, turning the box
over in his hands. “Apparently this will lead me the rest of the way.”
    “Perhaps.” Wirr still did not
sound convinced. “And you can’t mention this to anyone here?”
    “I know how it sounds, but it does make sense. There's a reason we haven’t told the Elders what I can do.” Davian
glanced at the door. “I have to go in a couple of minutes, Wirr. Ilseth is
distracting the guards; it’s my only opportunity. I’m sorry to leave you like
this. Truly.”
    Wirr considered his friend,
looking conflicted. Then he straightened. “I’m going with you.”
    Davian shook his head fiercely.
“No. I appreciate the offer, but I have nothing to lose. You do. You'll do well
at Tol Athian, probably end up an Elder in ten years or so. You can do
something meaningful with your

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