Marrying Kate

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Book: Marrying Kate by Kimberly Rae Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Rae Jordan
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What would happen if they lost custody? Was their marriage over? Kate didn’t want to think about that.
    She quickly finished dressing and headed downstairs. Mrs. Harris had arrived to watch Dani while they were at the hearing. She and Jared were talking when Kate walked into the kitchen.
    "I guess it’s time we left," Jared commented when he saw her. "Might as well get this over with."
    Marcus met them at the courthouse and soon it was their turn. Jared’s parents were there and once again, Kate was struck by their coldness. They held themselves aloof and their expressions were icy as their gazes swept over the gathering of people.
    It wasn’t surprising that the first shot fired in the hearing was regarding their marriage. When asked about it, Jared stood, buttoning his suit coat and addressed the judge.
    "Your Honor, my parents’ lawyer is correct. This marriage is not one based on love …at least not for each other. This marriage is based on a mutual love for four orphaned children and the desire to give them a stable home life. Kate and I may not love each other in a romantic sort of way, but I truly admire and respect her. She has made some tough choices in the past few months without a thought to her own well-being.
    "I have no desire to deceive the court and that is why we are being honest in stating the circumstances of this marriage. This marriage is for good. Neither of us believes in divorce and will be working together to solve any problems that arise to face us as a couple and as a family. It is our hope to one day possibly add to the family with children of our own.
    "Your Honor, these four children have lost so much in the past six months. Kate and I wish to try and give them the stability they need to recover as much as possible from the loss of their parents. We want to give them a home filled with love and the knowledge that we will always be there for them." Jared sat down when he finished speaking.
    The judge nodded at him and then looked at Kate. "Mrs. Lambert, is there anything you’d like to add?"
    Kate hadn’t been prepared to speak but when she glanced at Marcus and Jared, they both nodded at her. She stood on shaking legs and prayed the Lord would guide her as she spoke.
    "My...husband has spoken the truth, your Honor. Not only do we desire to raise Amelia, Bryan, Candy and Dani with love, we also desire to raise them in a home that reflects the religious beliefs of their parents. Before Steve and Jen died, they became Christians and because Jared and I are also Christians, we feel that we can raise them as their parents would have wanted. To know about the love of God and the need to live a life pleasing to Him." Kate glanced down at her clenched hands before going on. "I love those children. More than I ever thought possible. I plan to be the best mother I know how."
    After a few more shots fired by Jared’s parents’ lawyer, the judge dismissed them and said he’d come to his decision the next day. Kate wondered if Jared would attempt to speak to his parents, but when they left the courtroom immediately, it was apparent they weren’t interested in speaking with him. It saddened her that he had such a tense relationship with his parents. Although if she were honest, her relationship with her own father had been strained most of her adult life. Only now she didn’t have a chance to make things right with him.
    As they walked down the stairs Jared grabbed her hand and stopped her from taking the next step. Surprised Kate glanced up at him. While they had developed a physical closeness in the bedroom, outside of it they rarely touched.
    "I was so proud of you today, Katie." Kate ’s stomach quivered at his use of her nickname. "I think this calls for a celebration. Shall we go out for lunch before heading home?"
    "But we haven’t won yet," Kate pointed out.
    "I know, but we did our best. We were honest and up front with the judge, and I believe the Lord will honor that." Jared tugged

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