The Seventh Crystal

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Book: The Seventh Crystal by Gary Paulsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Paulsen
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disloyal knight kidnapped her. Using black magic, he turned her into a statue so that he could steal her kingdom.
    The object of the game was to make it through all the traps and hazards the blackknight had laid for those who might follow him, and then discover a way to free the princess.
    The first time Chris played the game he was chased by creatures that spit fire. Then he’d gone in circles for hours until he’d stumbled on a magic compass, which led him to the river.
    The next day he had found a hidden cave in a forest. But the cave didn’t lead anywhere and there didn’t seem to be a way out of it.
    Chris sat down at his desk and switched on his computer. He took a deep breath. “No game is gonna get the best of me.”
    The title screen lit up in an array of dazzling color. The words
The Seventh Crystal
appeared in bold print, followed by the picture of the castle. Chris pushed the Start button. A young boy wearing a ragged brown peasant’s costume ran down a dusty path. The boy passed several village people coming and going near a grassy meadow. Suddenly two thieves jumped in front of him and tried to block his path. Chris pushed the Jump buttonand sailed over the attackers. They were chasing the boy, and he had no weapon for protection.
    Chris paused the game. He knew how to get to the forest, but he didn’t want to get stuck in the cave again. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine what he would do next if he had created this game.
    Suddenly his bedroom door flew open with a bang. “Hey. Are you getting anywhere with that?”
    Chris spun his chair around. Standing in front of him was a stocky redheaded boy whose face was covered with freckles.
    “I just got started, Jimmy. I’ll beat it, though. You know they haven’t made the game that can stop me.”
    Jimmy Johnson was Chris’s next-door neighbor and best friend. Jimmy was a year younger than Chris and still went to Taft Middle School.
    “You were late coming home, Chris. Did they get you today?”
    “Yeah. But it worked out all right. A teacherdrove up just in time.” Chris turned back to the game. “You want to watch?”
    “Maybe for a while. My mom says I have to be home early. My dad is coming to get me for the weekend.”
    “Where’s he taking you this time?”
    Jimmy sat on the edge of the bed. “Who knows? Did you get out of the cave yet?”
    Chris shook his head. “I started over. I figured I must have missed something along the way that would let me out of it.” He studied the computer screen. “I don’t see anything. Do you?”
    “Why don’t you ask some of those people on the path?”
    Chris looked up and smiled. “Jimmy, you’re a genius.” He started the game again and used his mouse to maneuver the peasant boy so that he made contact with the images of the villagers on the path. Nothing happened until he came across the image of an old woman.
    She was waiting in the meadow, not scurrying around like the rest of the people, just sitting patiently under a tree. When the peasant boy stopped in front of her, she gave him atoothless grin and put something round in his hand.
    “What is it?” Jimmy asked. He moved closer to the screen.
    “I can’t tell for sure. But I hope it helps me get out of the cave.”
    “What’s she saying?”
    Words appeared in a green box at the top of the screen. Chris read them aloud. “ ‘The lion’s mouth at the Palace of Zon is the only way to save the princess.’ ”
    Jimmy looked puzzled. “What’s Zon?”
    Chris paused the game and took an envelope out of his desk drawer. He opened it and showed Jimmy the letter inside. “This came with the game.”
    Chosen One
    The ancient palace lies in the Valley of Zon. It is imperative that you come immediately. You are my last hope. Look for the secret path. The stars will lead the way. Take care. The eyes of Mogg are everywhere.
    Jimmy moved back. “Those are weird instructions. Have you figured out who sent the game to

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