The Seduction of Kinley Foster (What Happens in Vegas)

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Book: The Seduction of Kinley Foster (What Happens in Vegas) by Lisa Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Wells
sleep with you one time without regretting the decision when it’ s over. It ’s going to be hard for you to get me to sleep with you once. To get me to not regret it the next morning will be damn near impossible.”
    “Because your brother would kill me if I had a casual affair with you.”
    “I know another female who managed to seduce you despite the fact he’d be furious. I’m thinking my chances are pretty damn good.”
    “I hope you’re wrong.”
    “Ian Thompson, you better get a good night’s sleep, because tomorrow night I’m going to knock your socks off.”
    “Honey, tomorrow night, it’s not my socks you should be focused on getting off.”

Chapter Seven
    “I have meetings scheduled all day,” Ian said, averting his gaze from Kinley, who’d appeared from the suite’s bedroom dressed in workout clothes. Somehow she’d commandeered the bed last night and left him sleeping on the pullout couch with a pillow that smelled of her lavender perfume.
    She yawned. “Oh right.” An impish siren’s smile played on her lips. “Considering your age, you might want to try and grab a nap today.”
    “Why’s that?”
    “Because I did a little research before falling asleep, and you’re going to need your energy tonight.” She flounced to the kitchen area of the suite and poured a cup of coffee.
    He swallowed the lump in his throat. The lump that hadn’t been there until she came out of the bedroom. “So, about that…we’d both been drinking last night…in the light of the day…I think this is a bad idea.”
    She gave him a look that didn’t require words to get its point across. But she used them anyway. “ You aren ’t actually going to go back on your word, are you? I thought you weren’t a liar.”
    He cursed his stupidity. “Of course not. It’ s just —”
    “I’m a grown woman. Completely sober. I’ve thought about this. Sure, there’re some obstacles to what we’re doing, mainly me not liking you a lot, but my brother isn’t one of our obstacles. He has no right to know anything about my love life. If you have some misguided concern that you can’t do this because of him, or that you have to tell him before you sleep with me, you’re wrong. If I want him to know, I’ll tell him. If we do this, your loyalty lies with me. As in, you can’t kiss and tell. Now, I’m telling you that I’m in one hundred percent. The question is—are you?”
    When had she gotten so good at arguing? “I’m in—if you can seduce me.” The situation with her brother…he wouldn’t lie. But they’d cross that bridge if they ever reached it. “Tell me something, Kinley. Are you a runner?”
    She smiled. A confident woman smile. Leaned against the cabinet. “Only when I’m being chased…or in the right mood.” The hot, sexy voice that came out of her lips did things to his ability to think. Did things to his ability to speak.
    He took advantage of the opportunity to take in her long bare legs beneath a pair of running shorts. Imagined them wrapped around him. He watched her spoon several helpings of sugar into her coffee. “I take it you’re in the right mood to be chased.”
    “Oh I am. Shall we meet back here at say six o’clock this evening?”
    He walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee, nudging her out of the way with his hip. All too aware of the length of her legs. “I may be in, but I’m not letting you seduce me that easily.”
    She nudged back. “What does that mean?”
    He put some space between them. “First, you have to pick me up. Then you have to talk me into coming back to the hotel with you.”
    She twirled and pinned him with an arched brow. “Pick you up?” Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her face bare of makeup, and she had on an antitrust T-shirt with a lime green jog bra showing through underneath. “Beg you to come back to the hotel with me?”
    “I didn’t say beg. But now that you did, I’m digging the idea of you

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