Loving Charley
understand it to
start with, but after everything that’s happened, I know that was
His plan.”
    Cash Money knows exactly
what to say and when and how to say it. I reach across the console
and kiss his cheek. “I love you more than life itself, Cash Money,
and I’m glad I had this experience as well. I’ve made friendships
that will last a lifetime and a love that was in the works since we
were little.”
    Before we know it, we are
approaching campus. A few cars are back on campus. Grabbing some of
the bags, we make our way upstairs.
    Caroline is standing in the
hallway. “Charley, you aren’t leavin’, are ya?”
    Crinkling my nose up, I have no idea
why she would say that. “Huh?”
    Pointing to Cash, she says,
“Helllooo, you brought backup with ya.”
    “No, silly! He drove me
back. He can’t get enough of me, ya know?” I wink.
    “Well, make sure you keep
the noise down tonight!” As I roll my eyes, we walk into my

Chapter 13
    Once the car is unloaded
and we have spoken to the Kluft girls, we make ourselves at home in
my room. Cash takes a seat on my bed, and I snuggle into him. We
don’t say anything, and we wake to the sound of knocking on my
    “Come in,” I say. “Hey,
Georgia! Whatcha up to?”
    She totally ignores how
comfortable Cash and I are. “Oh, we were thinkin’ about going out
tonight. Since Hank’s is not open, we thought we might try that new
bar that just opened in town. I think its called The Board
    “That’s fine with me, if
Cash’s good with it,” I say as I look at him.
    “Whatever you want,
    “I take that as a yes, so Charley,
let’s be ready around seven to grab a bite to eat.”
    “Sounds good.” Georgia
leaves, and I relax a little longer in Cash’s arms.
    Realizing that we probably
need to do something besides be laid up on each other, I roll and
face him. “I think we need to get ready,” I say as I press my lips
to his. As I back away, he grabs the loops of my jeans and pulls me
back to him. I smile on the inside and outside as we take a few
minutes to get lost in each other.
    As things begin to heat up,
I feel Cash start to pull away. “Cash Money, please don’t pull away
from me.” He takes it upon himself to kiss me with loving force. I
know why he let up, but it’s not easy on a girl to say the
    He pushes my hand to the
side of my face. “Char-coal, I’d never pull away from you, but I
told you before that we’re waiting.”
    “But, it’s over with Dylan.
It’s done.”
    Cash pushes himself up on
one arm. “Charley, it’s not over. You know we have to go to court
over this. Regardless, I told you I’m waiting for our wedding
    “Well, damn, I just keep
thinkin’ one day you’re gonna give in to me.”
    “I will one day, and that one day will
involve a wedding dress that I’m gonna be ready to rip to
    “Promise me you won’t do
that because I’m afraid to even think about the price tag on one of
those! How about let’s get ready to find something to eat? I heard
that place has food, too. Maybe everyone will just want to eat
    “I’m just along for the
ride,” he says as gets up and kisses my lips. “Let’s go see what
the plan is.”
    He helps me up, and we walk
to Tori’s room. Everyone is in there as usual.
    “‘ Bout damn time!” Tori
    “What?” I ask.
    “Oh, ya know! Y’all come
in, and the next thing we know, you’re MIA for hours!” she says
with a smirk.
    “Whatever, y’all! It’s not
like that… right, Cash Money?”
    “You got that right,
Char-coal, but ain’t nothin’ like holdin’ you in my
    And the entire room goes
    Shaking my head, I reply,
“So, I was thinkin’...”
    “Oh, shit! She’s thinkin’
again!” Hayden says. I shoot her an are
you kiddin’ me look. “What Charley? The
last time you started thinking we ended up seeing Cash and his fine
ass beating that mofo to a pulp!”

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