The Seduction of an Earl

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Book: The Seduction of an Earl by Linda Rae Sande Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Rae Sande
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance, Genre Fiction
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feeling a sense of relief at learning of her friend’s current situation. Charlotte would be married soon. With Elizabeth already married and with child, and Charlotte about to be wed, it just left Hannah without a betrothal in place. “So, what brings you to London, my lord?”
    Henry had to resist the urge to say, “You do.”
    And then he couldn’t help himself.
    “You do, my lady,” he said aloud, holding his breath as he tried to guess how she would react. “And you’re supposed to call me ‘Gisborn’,” he added.
    He was not surprised by the sight of her slightly parted lips, of her face as her expression changed from delight to puzzlement. He directed the horse to pull into a parkway along the side of the path where a tree provided shade. After he jumped down from the phaeton, he tied the reins around the trunk of the tree and stepped to the side of the phaeton where Hannah sat. Holding his hands up as if he intended to bodily capture Hannah, he noticed her widened eyes at how far down she would have to step to make it to the ground. “Place your hands on my shoulders, and I’ll do the rest.”
    Hannah did as she was told, and suddenly she was floating to the ground, Henry’s hands planted firmly on either side of her waist. Once her feet were under her, she expected he would let go. But he stood before her, his heavy lidded eyes letting her know he wasn’t about to let go. Instead, his lips came down onto hers in a very light, feathery kiss that tickled as well as tantalized. It was over too soon, she thought, and she was disappointed when he straightened slightly.
    “I meant what I said earlier,” he said in a quiet voice. “Lady Charlotte recommended I call on you. She thought ... that is,” he closed his eyes for a moment, as if seeing her before him was too much of a distraction. “I believe she was right in thinking we might suit one another for marriage. So, I would ask if I might be allowed to court you,” he got out finally. “Your father has already given his permission,” he added, not sure if that would help his case or not.
    Hannah stared up at Henry, her lips still parted slightly as she considered his words. He was talking seriously of courting and marriage. Not like he had back at the house, where she had been left to think his comments were made in jest. And Lady Charlotte had recommended he call on her. Surely Charlotte had been his first choice for a wife, though.
    Had he wanted Charlotte because he felt affection for her? Or was it because of a dowry? No, he was an earl with somewhat of a fortune, so a dowry couldn’t explain why Charlotte was his first choice. But why had Charlotte recommended her? “Tell me, Gisborn. Do you have just one mistress? Or several?” Hannah asked then, her manner quite matter-of-fact. The question had worked in Elizabeth’s favor at one point.
    Henry stared at her for several seconds, stunned by the question. Gently bred ladies didn’t speak of mistresses. Or ask gentlemen about their arrangements with their mistresses. “I don’t employ a mistress,” he finally answered with a shake of his head. Then he realized he needed to tell her about his son. And about Sarah. “I have a son with a woman I have known since we were children.” When Hannah did not seem to take offense at the comment, he continued, “Although I love her and have asked her to be my wife on several occasions, she has steadfastly refused. She is not of the ton and thought I required a wife who was.” When Hannah continued to regard him, her expression not changing in the least, Henry swallowed. “As a... an illegitimate child, my son cannot inherit, so I seek a wife with whom to have legitimate children. Heirs,” he stated with a shrug, thinking that at any moment, Hannah would ask him to drive her home, and tell him she never wanted to see him again.
    So he was surprised when Hannah placed her hand on his arm and turned, as if she intended them to walk on the crushed

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