The Secret of Skull Island

Read Online The Secret of Skull Island by Zack Norris - Free Book Online

Book: The Secret of Skull Island by Zack Norris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zack Norris
Tags: Ebook, book
Sam Keller makes some dumb mistakes, like calling Steve Cordell ‘Jimmy,’” Otis said.
    Just then Rae came striding toward them. Her eyes blazed and her mouth was set in a thin line.
    â€œThat Jamal Mason has a head the size of a watermelon, he’s so full of himself,” she said. “I tried to talk to him and he told me to get lost. He said the inn was a dump and that coming to this island was a stupid idea. So I told him he was a spoiled brat and I was never going to see one of his movies again.”
    â€œWell, you’re back to your old self anyway.” Cody laughed.
    â€œSo much for our favorite movie star,” grumbled Otis. “What a downer that he’s so stuck-up.”
    â€œYeah,” Rae sighed. “He thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips.” She sighed again.
    â€œWell, cheer up. We think we’ve found a secret passage. Maybe it will give us some clues to the mystery.”
    Rae wrinkled her nose. “That’s cool,” she said, “but I’m here for a vacation. Anyway, what do you mean you think you found one?”
    The twins told her about the sliding panel and the hiding place. “Maybe there’s a secret passage behind the second wall,” said Cody.
    â€œWell, good luck, guys. I’m heading back to the beach. Swimming is the only thing that will cheer me up.”
    The twins watched her walk away. Cody scratched his head. “Who wouldn’t want to find a secret passage?”
    â€œYeah,” Otis agreed. “I wish we could get Rae more into mysteries. She’d really be a help in finding clues.”
    Cody nodded. “She sure would. But she’s just not interested. I don’t get it.”
    Otis agreed. “Well, maybe she’ll come around. Anyway, let’s go find that secret passage.”

[Chapter Eleven]
    B ack in their room, the boys pocketed their penlights. They opened the panel and searched for more skull buttons. They quickly located two more—one that opened the panel from the inside. A third opened the second wall from the other side. Now that they were sure they could get out, they were ready to explore.
    They stepped through the second opening and found a set of steps, at the bottom of which was a winding tunnel. It was lined with bricks that seemed very old. The mortar between them was dark and crumbling.
    Soon, however, the scene changed. The twins walked into a smooth, modern hallway with freshly painted walls and modern light fixtures. Then they came to a series of rooms.
    They listened for voices as they stepped inside one room after another. What they found made their hearts pound and their heads spin.
    There were boxes and boxes and stacks and stacks of DVDs. A quick check revealed that many were movies they had heard of—movies that had just been released to theaters.
    They also found several computers, camcorders, and other equipment. They’re burning DVDs here , the twins realized. Lots and lots of them.
    â€œWe’ve got real modern-day pirates selling pirated DVDs,” Cody whispered.
    â€œYeah,” Otis said, “someone is doing a big business. The inn must be getting in the way.”
    It looked as if the business had been going on for a while, and the plan was for it to go on longer. One of the rooms in the secret passage was outfitted with couches, a pool table, a kitchen, and a huge flat-screen television. The crooks must view their DVDs here , Otis thought.
    In another room was a row of single beds. There was even an office. Everything had been chosen for maximum comfort. It looked like a high-class underground hotel.
    They turned around and began heading back. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they heard men talking. The sound was coming from somewhere behind them. They knew those voices. It was Steve Cordell and Sam Keller.
    Back in their room, beads of sweat dotting their foreheads, the boys watched as the secret panel slid

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