The Secret of Skull Island

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Book: The Secret of Skull Island by Zack Norris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zack Norris
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back into place. They both exhaled sighs of relief.
    â€œI’ll bet Black Heart the pirate originally made that tunnel,” Cody said. His eyes danced with excitement.
    â€œProbably,” Otis agreed. “But somebody else is using it now.”
    â€œWe’d better go find Dad, Maxim, and Aunt Edith and tell them what’s going on,” said Cody. He turned to leave the room.
    â€œWait! There is more to this than just DVDs. We’ve got to find out who these guys are. Let’s get something on them that they can’t lie their way out of.”
    â€œOh, there you go talking about lying again. We’ve got a pile of bootleg DVDs and burner equipment under the inn. They can’t lie their way out of that. This is something out of our league, Otis. We can’t be detectives here. We need real detectives.”
    â€œWe can’t prove that it was Cordell and Keller we heard. And who is Cordell, really? I think we should search his room and find out.”
    â€œBreak into his room? Are you nuts?”
    â€œIt’s our aunt’s place, Cody. He’s carrying on crimes in our aunt’s inn.”
    Cody crossed his arms. “What if he catches us?”
    â€œHe’s down there in the secret passage. I’ll bet we can get in and out really fast. Let’s find out who this guy is. He’s probably the one who is giving Aunt Edith so much trouble … along with his buddy Sam Keller.”

[Chapter Twelve]
    â€œW e shouldn’t be doing this,” said Cody.
    â€œI know,” Otis whispered as he glanced nervously over his shoulder. He bent down in front of the door to Steve Cordell’s room and took a video-store membership card from his pocket. “I think we have to do it, though. He’s committing a crime in our aunt’s place. We have to find out what he’s up to.”
    â€œCan you really get in with that thing?” asked Cody.
    Otis jiggled the card carefully. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can. These locks aren’t exactly state of the art. I don’t think Aunt Edith figured on having any thieves in the place.”
    â€œWe’re not thieves!” Cody whispered urgently.
    Otis glanced up at him. “Come on, Cody, get a grip. I didn’t mean we were thieves.”
    â€œOkay, okay … but that’s what we’d look like if we got caught.”
    â€œWe won’t get caught.” Otis jiggled the card again.
    â€œWait a minute! I think I hear somebody.”
    Both boys froze and held their breath. Silence.
    â€œYou’re getting all wired, Cody. Calm down.” Otis gave the card a little push and turned the knob. “Got it,” he mumbled as the door swung open.
    â€œRemember, leave everything exactly as it is—and don’t break anything!” Cody said hurriedly as he tiptoed into the room.
    â€œWell, our pal’s a slob,” said Otis with a chuckle. There were socks and shirts tumbled over the floor and a jacket flung on a chair along with two rumpled pairs of pants.
    â€œWho cares? We’re here trying to find out if he’s a criminal,” Cody muttered as he pulled open a dresser drawer. He pawed gingerly through a pile of T-shirts. After a moment he closed the drawer and opened the next one.
    Otis was searching through the desk. “This is weird,” he said as he picked up a couple of magazines. “ Casino King, Slots, Bluffer, Lucky, Rowdy Roulette … These are all gambling magazines. What’s a guy who likes gambling doing in a place like this?”
    Cody shrugged. “Saving money?” He opened another drawer.
    â€œKeep looking,” Otis told him. “I’ll check the closet while you finish the desk.”
    â€œMaybe I’ve found something,” Otis announced moments later. “Cordell wrote a note on this pad. The note itself is gone but maybe I can find out what it said.”
    Cordell’s writing had left an

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