The Secret Circle: The Complete Collection
and bellowing as they tore through the crowd. Cassie had a glimpse of disheveled shoulder-length blond hair and almond-shaped, slightly tilted blue-green eyes as one passed—and then she saw it all again as the second one streaked by. The boys were identical, except that one was wearing a Megadeth T-shirt and the other’s said Mötley Crüe.
    They were creating chaos as they went, knocking books out of people’s arms and grabbing at girls’ clothes. As they reached the end of the hallway, one of them caught a pretty redhead’s miniskirt and deftly flipped it up to waist level. The girl shrieked and dropped her backpack to push it down.
    “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” Cassie blurted out. Was everybody in this school crazy? “Why doesn’t somebody stop them—or report them—or something . . . .”
    “Are you kidding? Those are the Henderson brothers,” the girl said, and she walked away, joining another girl. Cassie heard a fragment of a sentence float back: “. . . doesn’t even know about the Club . . .” and both girls glanced back at her, then walked on.
    What Club? That girl had said it as if it had capital letters. What did a club have to do with breaking school rules? What kind of place was this?
    Another bell rang, and Cassie realized that she was now late for class. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and ran for the stairs.

    By lunchtime, she still hadn’t exchanged more than a “hi” or “hello” with anyone, no matter how she tried. And she hadn’t seen the girl with the shining hair anywhere—not that that was really surprising, considering the many floors and corridors of this school. In her present state of insecurity, Cassie wouldn’t have dared to approach the girl if she had seen her. A leaden, miserable feeling had settled in her stomach.
    And one glance at the glass-walled cafeteria teeming with laughing students made her knees go weak.
    She couldn’t face it. She just didn’t have the nerve.
    Arms wrapped around herself, she walked away and kept walking. She walked right through the main entrance and out the door. She didn’t know where she was going—maybe she was going home. But then she saw the lush green grass of the hill.
    No, she decided; I’ll just eat here. Partway down the hill there were several craggy outcrops of natural rock, and she found she could sit comfortably in a little hollow below one, shaded by a tree. She was shielded by the rock from the school; it was almost as if the school didn’t exist. She could look down a flight of meandering steps to the bottom of the hill and the road beyond, but no one from above could see her.
    As she sat, looking at the dandelions dotting the grass, the tension gradually drained out of her. So what if the morning hadn’t been the greatest? Things would be better this afternoon. The clear blue sky seemed to tell her that.
    And the rock at her back—the famous red granite of New England—gave her a feeling of security. It was strange, but she almost felt she could hear a buzzing in the rock, like a heartbeat tremendously speeded up. A buzzing of life . If I put my cheek to it, I wonder what would happen? she thought with a curious excitement.
    Voices distracted her. Dismayed, Cassie knelt up to look over the top of the rock—and tensed.
    It was that girl, Faye. There were two other girls with her, and one of them was the biker who’d nearly run Cassie over that morning. The other was a strawberry blond with a tiny waist and the most well-developed chest Cassie had ever seen on a teenager. They were laughing and sauntering down the steps—right toward Cassie.
    I’ll just stand up and say hi, Cassie thought, but she didn’t. The memory of those disturbing honey-colored eyes was still with her. She kept quiet and hoped they’d pass her by, go all the way down the hill and off campus.
    Instead they stopped on the landing just above Cassie, sitting with their feet on the steps below and pulling out paper

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