The Road Back

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Book: The Road Back by Di Morrissey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Di Morrissey
laughter at the dinner table. Megan insisted that she clear the table and stack the dishwasher by herself, so Chris and Susan went to the front verandah and sat in the cool evening air.
    â€˜I’ve missed Neverend. It’s a warm feeling to come home and find everything’s more or less the same. It gives me a sense of belonging.’
    â€˜This is Megan’s place, too. Her roots are here as much as yours are. I hope she realises it.’
    â€˜Maybe staying here longer will make her appreciate that. I want to take her to some of my old haunts.’
    â€˜The famous waterhole?’ laughed his mother.
    â€˜Yes. We could go there for a picnic one day. You up for that?’
    â€˜Always. So nice to have an excuse to visit it.’
    Chris glanced around the garden. ‘Everything looks wonderful. You sure this big house isn’t too much for you to look after, Mum?’
    Susan waved a hand at him. ‘Not at all. George mows the grass when it needs it.Katrina comes in once a month to help me with the cleaning. The heavy things are a bit hard to lift when I want to vacuum. And if I keep on top of the gardening, which I enjoy doing anyway, the garden is not a problem.’
    Megan came and joined them, curling into the old wicker rocking chair with Biddi purring on her lap.
    â€˜All finished with the dishes? Thank you very much. Not watching TV? I have Pay TV now,’ said Susan.
    â€˜This is better than TV. What are we doing tomorrow, Bunny?’
    â€˜Well, I was thinking of going into Coffs to do a bit of Christmas shopping afterwards. Then we’ll drive up to the plateau in the afternoon.’
    â€˜Christmas shopping. Could I come, please, Bunny?’
    â€˜Of course. I’d love that.’
    Megan stroked the contented cat’s ears. ‘This is such a nice place. How long have you been here again, Bunny? Dad said he was born here.’
    â€˜Well, not in the house! In the Neverend hospital. Your grandfather and I came here as newly married teachers. We were really lucky to get a posting to the high school together. We rented a teeny old house on the other side of the river. It’s now been beautifully renovated, I’ll show you sometime, if you like. Anyway, we both loved Neverend so much we decided to stay. We were very stubborn and kept refusing transfers, so eventually everyone got the hint and left us alone. We bought this house and did it up and raised your father and your aunt Kate.’
    â€˜Yes, Neverend was a fabulous place to grow up. I feel very lucky to have had such a charmed childhood,’ acknowledged Chris.
    â€˜Bunny, I was looking around at some of the things in the house that I’ve never noticed before. Can you tell me the stories about them while I’m here? Old photos and ornaments that look ancient,’ said Megan.
    Susan smiled. ‘Of course, Megan. Sometimes I think there’s a bit too much clutter about the place, but every single thing I have means something special to me. I’d love you to know their stories, too. All in good time.’ Susan turned to her son. ‘Chris, in the next day or so, will you go and get the Christmas tree for me? Megan, you remember that I always have a big pine from Jim’s Christmas tree farm and you can help me decorate it.’
    â€˜Not a problem, Mum. Are you using those same old ornaments? They must be getting pretty tatty by now. You don’t still have the ones that you used when I was growing up, do you?’
    â€˜I do.’
    â€˜They’d be antiques. Have you made a pudding yet?’ asked Chris. ‘I love your grandmother’s Christmas pudding, Megan. Do you still put sixpences and threepences in it, Mum?’
    â€˜Most certainly,’ Susan nodded firmly. ‘And if you find one, Megan, I’ll buy it off you and recycle it for next year.’
    â€˜You really like sticking to traditions, Bunny, don’t you? I like the way you do

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