The Redemption of Lord Rawlings

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Book: The Redemption of Lord Rawlings by Rachel Van Dyken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Van Dyken
boot makers.” Sebastian opened the door.
    “ And why do I need new boots?” Phillip asked, entering into his own personal vision of hell—usually he preferred an entirely different sort of amusement for his lazy afternoons. The smell of leather and shoe polish burned his nose as he made his way to the front.
    Emma pushed ahead of both men and stopped when the shopkeeper looked up. “Spare no expense.”
    Phillip opened his mouth to speak just as Sebastian nudged him in the ribs and shook his head. “Allow her this one boon, Phillip. She wants to help, and you know we’re good for it. You’ll make it up to us one day.” And with that Sebastian winked and joined his wife in the picking out of new boots for Phillip.
    Guilt did not sit well with him as he thought about the stolen kiss with Abigail. Nobody could find out. After all Emma and Sebastian were doing for him, the last thing he needed was to somehow disappoint them by ruining the younger Gates sister. The unfortunate part was that the one time in his life he wanted to make something honest of himself was also the same time he had to keep a lie in order to maintain that same appearance.
    The rest of the afternoon passed along the same way as it started. New boots, a new hair cut, a shave, cravats, pantaloons, breeches, jackets, hats, and to his absolute vexation, gloves. Why, he had asked, did he need new gloves? His were in perfect shape, albeit worn. Sebastian had then given one of the longest lectures of Phillip’s life about the necessity of new gloves that were smooth, without stain or wear, and how many a woman will judge a man solely based on his gloves.
    Phillip called him out.
    So Sebastian felt the need to then address several patrons within the glove shop. Which wasn’t at all fair if you asked Phillip. After all, who was going to disagree with a duke?
    Emma continued to discuss the night’s festivities as Phillip and Sebastian loaded the last of the packages into the carriage. “I believe we are finished.”
    Never had Phillip heard a more beautiful phrase. “Thank God—I could not handle another shop. In fact, here and now I’ve decided I shall never shop again.”
    “ Agreed. Men should not be subject to such things. What we need is a good hunt and a fight at Jackson’s,” Sebastian said.
    Emma glared. “Complain all you want, but when I’m right, and you boys are wrong, you’ll be falling all over yourselves to apologize.”
    “ Rawlings?” A shrill feminine voice pierced the otherwise pleasant late afternoon air.
    Turning, he came face to face with his stepmother. Tall and slender, but with the emotion of a cold fish, it was no surprise to see her shopping. She spent money as if it never ran out.
    “ Ah, mother.” He gave her a curt nod and turned toward the carriage. Leaving was his only option. After all, she despised him just as much as every other woman in London.
    “ Your graces.” He heard her say.
    Emma spoke. “Lovely to see you, my lady, but we must be going.”
    “ Of course, I am sorry to intrude. I see now that you must have been shopping, my dear. Heaven knows my son has no money of his own after he gambled it away. Isn’t that right, my dear?”
    Phillip clenched his teeth, fighting with every ounce of his will to be the respectable man he knew he was raised to be. But it was deuced hard when one’s stepmother made such brash remarks.
    “ Gambled. Such a dirty word coming from such a refined lady, wouldn’t you agree, Mother?” Phillip’s voice came out in short clipped tones as he continued to keep his back to his deceased father’s wife.
    “ I see your respect for your elders hasn’t changed much. Pity. Your grace, it seems even your good habits have not rubbed off on my son.”
    “ I couldn’t disagree more.” Sebastian’s voice was firm, immobile. And although Phillip was taut with stress his muscles did indeed relax as he felt his friend’s hand on his shoulder. “In

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