Stefan (The Marquette Family Book Three)

Read Online Stefan (The Marquette Family Book Three) by Tressie Lockwood - Free Book Online

Book: Stefan (The Marquette Family Book Three) by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
    Stefan hesitated. “Talicia’s.”
    “Got it.”
    He waited for a comment on his decision, but it never came. Jerome didn’t even hint at his impatience or if he thought Stefan was making a mistake. He knew which lines not to cross, and Jerome had never questioned Stefan on his personal life when it had nothing to do with his job.
    A short while later, they were on the road again, and Stefan tapped his leg with a finger, eager to get across town. His entire body and mind felt tight in anticipation of arriving at his destination. When they pulled onto the grounds where Talicia lived with Tyjon, Stefan scanned the lot. He didn’t know why he didn’t go to the club first since it was early yet, but her car was there. Her apartment was at the back of the complex, so he didn’t have a clear view as to whether the lights were on.
    “Should I wait?” Jerome asked.
    Stefan paused beside the car. Jerome had stepped out with him, and while he spoke to Stefan, his gaze searched the lot constantly.
    “Stay with the car,” Stefan said. “I’m just going to run up and—”
    “Uh, boss, by wait, I meant walk you to her door and then wait. I’m not staying out here without seeing you pass into her place.”
    Stefan ran fingers through his hair. “Oh, right. Sorry, forgot about that. Yeah, come on. We’ll play it by ear.”
    They started up the stairs, and Stefan picked up the sound of a man’s voice. He figured it was a neighbor until Talicia responded. A door opened and closed. He stopped moving. The hall was silent, and none of the neighbors stirred.
    “Everything okay?” Jerome asked. He had moved into the building ahead of Stefan, but he paused when Stefan did.
    Stefan continued up until he reached Talicia’s door. He raised his hand and hesitated again. In the years he’d been seeing women, he had never allowed himself to obsess over any of them. He enjoyed the pleasures the female body could provide and gave as much as he got. Once or twice, he imagined himself in love, but it never lasted. Not once did it ever interfere with his chosen lifestyle.
    Standing outside Talicia’s door without warning her he was coming felt like he was checking up on her. Stefan was the trusting type, and even when he did catch a steady lover seeing another man, it hadn’t fazed him more than irritation. He’d broken the relationship off. So what was this tightness in his chest tonight at the mere thought that Talicia might have a man in her apartment? He shouldn’t have even suspected it just because of her tone of voice, let alone come here.
    Jerome waited behind him in total silence, and when Stefan glanced at him, his face showed no emotion at all. Despite that, heat suffused Stefan’s face. He was embarrassed this episode had a witness, yet he was used to staff surrounding him and witnessing most of what he and his brothers did.
    I could turn around now and leave. She’ll never know.
    Stefan raised his hand and rapped on the door with his knuckles. Then he chided himself for not ringing the bell like normal. The knock sounded angry. He didn’t want to give that impression. Too late, he heard her footsteps approaching and the exclamation when she must have seen his face through the peephole.
    The door opened, and he met his wife’s gaze. Guilt. Stefan read people as if their minds were spread before him. He knew what he saw on Talicia’s face, and he stepped by her without asking if he could come in. She stepped back just before his arm brushed hers, and he heard the squeak of her fingers gripping the doorknob.
    “Stefan, what are you doing back here so soon? Jero—”
    “I’m sorry, Ms. Talicia, but because you’re not alone and I don’t know who he is, I have to come in with Stefan. I apologize for my intrusion.”
    Jerome knew better than to apologize for Stefan’s.
    “It-it’s fine,” she murmured.
    The door clicked shut behind them, but Stefan’s attention was all for the man in

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