The Quarterback Sneak
blamed him when
she had every right to.
    The two women were of similar height, but
his mother had the same reddish-gold curls as her son. Hayden’s
silky cinnamon-brown mane reminded him of his childhood horse and
her blue eyes matched a robin’s egg. He wondered what their
children might look like. Did she want children?
    As Liam watched them, Middleton interrupted
the conversation and stole Hayden away. Liam’s gut reaction was to
follow and protect her. Her father may have signed him when no one
else would, but he was a bully with his own daughter, which
infuriated Liam. Before he could move, his mother joined him.
    “Liam, she may not be the woman I would have
pictured you with, but I can tell she loves you.”
    Hayden deserved an acting award for
convincing his mother. But could he live with the lie? “Mom—”
    “I like her spunk and honesty.”
    “What exactly did she tell you?”
    “She told me you came to her rescue that
night at the bar. And what a gentleman you were afterward. And that
how even after you were engaged you wouldn’t have sex with her.
Hence, tonight’s surprise wedding.”
    If Liam had been drinking, he’d spit out the
contents. His Hayden did have spunk and knew exactly what to say to
his mother to make her believe.
    “Your father would be so proud of you.”
    Tears welled in his eyes. His father
wouldn’t be proud.
    “Oh, Liam. Don’t be upset. He’s right here
with you.”
    He choked on his emotions but managed to
wrangle the words of apology out. “I’m sorry, Mom.”
    “Stop that right now, Liam James.” She
wrapped him up in a hug.
    How could such a small woman pack such might
into a hug? For a moment he wallowed in the comfort like a
five-year-old boy.
    “You have nothing to be sorry for.” She let
go and patted his shoulder before fixing his tie. “This is a happy
    The urge for a drink slipped away with his
mother’s words. He smiled so she wouldn’t worry any further.
    The party was in full swing when Hayden
returned with her father. Middleton took the microphone from the
band and called Liam up to join them.
    Silence filled the room, and Middleton made
the surprise announcement. “This isn’t a engagement party. It’s a
    At first the silence continued as Liam
registered the shock on the guests’ faces. Did they realize Hayden
had no choice? Or did they suspect that the rushed wedding had to
do with a surprise pregnancy?
    Then Hondo raised up his glass up. “Hey,
everyone, Liam’s getting laid tonight!”
    His teammates joined in with hoots and
catcalls. Liam expected Hayden to be mad, but she elbowed him in
the ribs and looked up at him with a big smile on her face.
    “Okay, let’s get started,” Judge Mayer said.
“I chose these vows with both of Hayden and Liam’s pasts in
    “Wait!” Hannah grabbed a centerpiece of
flowers, shoving them into Hayden’s hands.
    As they stood in front of Judge Mayer, Liam
felt his father’s presence. And his acceptance. A feeling of peace
settled into his heart as he repeated the words spoken by the
    “I, Liam James McQueen, take you to be my
lawfully wedded wife. Before these witnesses I vow to love you and
care for you as long as we both shall live.”
    As the words flowed, he realized he meant
every single word. Somewhere along the way he’d fallen in love with
    “I take you, with all your faults and
strengths.” Liam paused to gather himself before he choked on the
next part. No wonder the judge chose this specific set of vows.
Both Liam and Hayden had broken pieces and past sins. So wrong for
anyone else, perhaps they were perfect for other.
    “As I offer myself to you with all my faults
and strengths,” he continued without a hitch. Could he hide his
faults from Hayden? “I will help you when you need help and turn to
you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will
spend my life.”
    Somehow he’d make this marriage work.
Someday Hayden would

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