The Price of Fame - KJ1

Read Online The Price of Fame - KJ1 by Lynn Ames - Free Book Online

Book: The Price of Fame - KJ1 by Lynn Ames Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Ames
Tags: thriller, Lesbian
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bitten her, not trusting herself to refrain from reaching out and touching that amazing body so close by. She turned away quickly and began studying the artwork on the walls.
    Kate, who had seemingly forgotten to breathe for several minutes, recovered enough to excuse herself and go grab a silk robe off the back of the adjoining bathroom door. Good Lord, Katherine Ann, she thought.
    You are in so much trouble! Her entire body was singing with desire, which was no easy feat considering just how tired she was and how much pain she was in.
    Once she was relatively sure that her body wouldn’t give her away, she returned to the bedroom wearing only the robe and her underwear.
    “Um, why don’t you go take a shower first, Jay, you can use the guest suite down the hall; I’ll just rest for a minute until you’re done.”
    Glad for a bit of normal conversation, and beyond relieved that she had had a moment alone to compose herself, Jay readily agreed.

    When she returned to Kate’s room to let her know she was ready, Jay found her fast asleep curled up in the middle of the bed. The writer took a 47

    Lynn Ames

    moment to study the sleeping form, acknowledging that she was by far the most beautiful woman Jay had ever seen, even with her eyes closed.
    Knowing that her friend was exhausted, she was loath to wake her, though she knew she must; in only another hour the limousine would arrive. But Kate looked so peaceful.
    Jay decided to delay the inevitable, going instead to the kitchen to throw together something for them to eat. She was certain that her companion hadn’t eaten in at least twelve hours, and she was hungry, too. Not that that was any great news flash, she chuckled to herself.
    When she opened the refrigerator, it quickly became clear that her initial assessment of the state of Kate’s kitchen had been accurate. Aside from a carton of skim milk, a stick of butter, a dozen eggs, a slab of bacon, some cocktail sauce, half a dozen cans of soda, fresh oranges, some salad dressing, and a jar of pasta sauce, the refrigerator was a wasteland.
    “Well, Fred, she’s got eggs, bacon, and...” She spied a bag of English muffins on the counter. “It’ll have to do, my friend.”
    Fred waited patiently for something to drop, and, wanting to be sure he had the best angle, he did so by sitting on his new friend’s feet.
    Laughing at his antics, she commented, “Fred, you are one beautiful specimen, but your mama, buddy, now she is sensational.” Jay noted that he didn’t seem to be too crushed at the prospect of coming in second best.
    Putting the food in the seldom-used oven to keep it warm, she went back upstairs to wake the injured woman. Arriving at the bedroom door, she knew immediately that something wasn’t right; Kate was thrashing around wildly on the bed, clearly in the throes of a nightmare. Running the rest of the distance to the bed, Jay called, “Kate, wake up, it’s just a dream.” Getting no response, she leaned one knee on the bed and tried talking to her again. The sleeping woman’s discomfort was increasing by the second. Her eyes moving rapidly under her lids, she screamed out in terror. Reaching out, Jay gently grasped Kate under the shoulders, being careful not to jar her injuries. She slipped in behind her, holding her and restraining her at the same time, fearful that her thrashing would worsen her wounds. She whispered nonsense words of comfort, rocking her in a soothing motion.
    Awakening with a start, Kate was momentarily disoriented. Slowly she registered the fact that she was lying on her own bed, then she realized what had happened and that Jay was holding her. Embarrassed, she sat bolt upright, apologizing and moving away; both women felt the loss of contact acutely. Kate covered her disquiet by pointing out that she needed to get in the shower; the limo would be arriving soon.
    Jay let her go, padding downstairs to the library, where she tried to focus on the books on the shelves. In

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