The Price of Fame - KJ1

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Book: The Price of Fame - KJ1 by Lynn Ames Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Ames
Tags: thriller, Lesbian
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dark, but the entire backyard is fenced in with a doggie door into the garage and the mudroom. They’ll let Fred out so that he can play and wander to his heart’s content. In fact, most likely the kids will spend most of the afternoon throwing the ball for that pleasure hound. By the time I get home, that boy will be blissfully exhausted, well fed and well cared for.”

    The Price of Fame


    he driver was standing at attention outside the limo’s back door Twaiting when the two women emerged from Kate’s house. His instructions had said that there was only one passenger, but it was all the same to him, especially when both of his charges were as absolutely stunning as these two were. They were like yin and yang; the one tall, dark and intense, with the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. The other woman was completely the opposite, six or seven inches shorter, blonde, and approachable, with sparkling eyes the color of emeralds. The smaller of the two lacked the overt power of her taller companion, but she was slender and graceful like an athlete and clearly in great shape. Yeah, he thought to himself, it’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it.
    Jay smiled at the uniformed driver as her dark companion stepped aside to allow her to get in first, then, just as she was about to slide in, Kate pulled her back. “Oh no you don’t. I refuse to be responsible for you looking like a shar-pei,” she winked. “Off with the suit jacket.” The writer shook her head good-naturedly and complied. Underneath, she wore a simple sleeveless black shell, the top clinging to her breasts and accentuating her slim waist, the lack of sleeves showing off her muscular arms to good advantage. Kate was inordinately grateful that she could occupy herself hanging up the jacket; she was sure she must have been drooling. Katherine, she admonished herself silently, you’ve got to get a grip here.
    When they were settled in the car and the driver had raised the privacy glass, the anchorwoman turned to the blonde. “I’m really glad you’re here, Jay. I still can’t believe you found me.”
    “You could’ve knocked me over with a feather when I turned on my TV set and saw you; I hung up on my editor in mid-sentence. Of course,”
    the writer chuckled, “she’s always in mid-sentence.”
    They both grew quiet then, the motion of the car and the lack of sleep catching up with Jay. Her eyes closing without permission, she slumped unconsciously against her friend’s shoulder as sleep claimed her.

    Lynn Ames

    Smiling, Kate regarded her affectionately. “You look a bit uncomfortable to me, Jay.” Her smile turned to a full-fledged grin. “I think I can fix that.” Scooting back into the corner of the seat, she gently pulled Jay with her. She settled the blonde’s head against her chest, resting her cheek on the soft hair, surrounding her with long arms and joining her in peaceful slumber.

    Jay was having the nicest dream. In it she was resting in Kate’s arms, listening to the steady beat of her heart. It was the safest, most content she’d ever felt. And then it dawned on her that dreams usually didn’t involve the sense of smell. She inhaled again the delicious scent of Shalimar perfume that she identified so strongly with Kate. Hesitantly she cracked open one eye, her heart rate soaring as she took in her position nestled against the anchorwoman.
    She wasn’t quite sure how she had gotten where she was, but she knew that she never wanted to move. She could feel Kate’s rhythmic breathing ruffling her hair and the thump, thump of a heartbeat against her ear and thought about the fact that she probably should move. The problem was, her body didn’t want to go anywhere at the moment. So, with a blissful sigh, she closed her eyes again and drifted back to sleep.

    The world intruded gradually on Kate’s all-too brief nap; her wounds were making themselves felt and her eyes were gritty. Taking stock of her

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