The Pirates of Pacta Servanda (Pillars of Reality Book 4)

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Book: The Pirates of Pacta Servanda (Pillars of Reality Book 4) by Jack Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Campbell
Tags: Fantasy
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looked out at Julesport, biting her lip as she thought. “I’ll go talk to your leaders. But only if Mage Alain accompanies me.”
    “I was told to bring only you, Lady.”
    “The Mage Alain goes where I go,” Mari said. “That is not negotiable.”
    The official saluted her. “Very well. I agree.”
    “You need this,” Alli said, offering Mari her Mechanics jacket.
    Mari shook her head. “Hang onto it for me, will you? I don’t want to be any more conspicuous than I have to be. You guys stay aboard, keep a low profile, and watch for trouble. If our Guild finds out we’re here, they’ll try something.”
    Bev pointed toward the smokestack just barely visible amidst the forest of masts. “If the Guild plans to start anything, they first thing they’ll do is order that ship to get steam up. We’ll see the smoke and know there’s something up.”
    “If there is an attack on this ship,” the official said, “Julesport can officially do nothing. But there will be boats near you, ready to take on…refugees from the fighting and bring them ashore, where a unit of the city militia awaits to protect anyone and take them to a safe location.”
    “Good,” Mari said. “Hopefully it won’t come to that. Alain, aren’t you going to change out of your Mage robes before we go ashore?”
    Before Alain could answer, Mage Dav spoke up. “I would advise that Mage Alain remain garbed. He must show that he is still a Mage in good standing, not a Dark Mage skulking about in the clothes of a common and willing to sell his skills in exchange for money.”
    Mage Asha nodded. “The advice of my uncle is wise.”
    Mari wasn’t so certain, knowing that they had made it through many dangers only by hiding their guild status, but when Alain nodded in agreement she knew there wasn’t much sense in arguing wisdom with three Mages. Arguing with one was usually frustrating enough. “All right. Mage Dav, Mage Asha, will you listen to the…suggestions of Mechanic Alli in my absence?”
    Both Mages inclined their heads slightly in agreement.
    Mari got close to Alli. “Remember. Suggestions, not orders.”
    “Right,” Alli said. “They’re Mages. I’m not too likely to forget that, what with the robes and the deadpan faces and all. If we run into any problems getting along I’ll ask Dav for advice, since he seems to be on such good terms with Mage Asha.”
    “Alli, give the guy a break!”
    “Not on your life! Teasing him will be the only entertainment we have to pass the time while waiting for you and Alain to get back from the latest trap you’re no doubt walking into.”
    Mari nodded in reluctant acquiescence. “If the Mages warn you of danger approaching, listen to them. Their warnings may be very vague, but they’re probably true.”
    “Got it. And we’ll watch that stack. See you back here soon.”
    The official bowed courteously as he led them toward the ladder into the launch. “I am Colonel Faron, commander of the Julesport harbor guard. It is an honor to meet you.”
    The journey to the quay was fast, the rowers bending to their labors and someone in the bow of the launch waving off any boat that threatened to get in the way. Colonel Faron hustled Mari and Alain up another ladder to the top of the quay and along it to a building on the shore. There a large force of soldiers in light armor waited, swords at their hips, some with crossbows at the ready, eyeing Mari with questioning looks and avoiding looking at Alain in the manner of commons around Mages everywhere.
    Faron spoke quietly to the commander of the soldiers, who saluted briskly. Most of the soldiers faded back into the building, but two squads fell into place on either side of Mari and Alain as they walked inland along a broad street. The soldiers cleared any pedestrians and wagons out of the way, but Mari felt uncomfortably like a prisoner being marched to confinement. She stole sidewise glances at Alain, seeing that he betrayed no signs of alarm,

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