The Pirates of Pacta Servanda (Pillars of Reality Book 4)

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Book: The Pirates of Pacta Servanda (Pillars of Reality Book 4) by Jack Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Campbell
Tags: Fantasy
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and felt slightly comforted as a result.
    They reached an alley down which Mari and Alain were led by Colonel Faron as the soldiers formed a solid wall behind them facing the street. The alley ran behind a building that looked imposing even from the rear. Faron entered a back door and led them along several long passages.
    “This place looks oddly deserted for this time of day,” Mari observed. It called to mind uncomfortable memories of the city hall in Ringhmon.
    “Those who normally work here were asked to leave for an emergency drill,” Colonel Faron said. “Just a routine test of procedures.”
    “Of course. Absolutely routine.”
    Finally, Faron led Mari and Alain up some stairs to a large room dominated by an impressive table with only a few chairs near it. “Please wait here.”
    Mari could see Alain watching Colonel Faron closely. “Is anything wrong?” he asked.
    “No,” Colonel Faron said. “I just have to inform certain people that you have arrived.”
    Alain nodded, and Faron left.
    “No warnings yet?” Mari whispered to Alain.
    “No. I have seen no signs of deception in him,” Alain replied.
    Standing in the center of the room, Mari pivoted to look around. “One thing for sure, this isn’t a prison cell.” The high-ceilinged room was paneled with light woods that had darkened with age. Assorted statuary stood in the corners and a number of paintings adorned the walls, some of them clearly evoking events from the life of Jules herself. Under Mari’s feet fine carpets covered the hardwood floor, and the table on one side of the room had been made from one of the rare and exotic woods that had once been exported from Tiae. Various weapons were displayed, including swords, a few crossbows, and some shields. Banners hung along the top of the walls, one of those banners the crossed-swords flag of Jules.
    “I wonder if that’s a banner that Jules herself flew,” Mari commented. “It looks old enough.”
    “The room lacks windows,” Alain said. “That is common for rooms in Mage Guild Halls. Do you find it of concern here?”
    “No,” Mari said. “When people are talking about secret things, or meeting someone they don’t want anyone to know they’ve met, they want rooms without windows.”
    The door opened again. Colonel Faron entered, followed by an elderly woman and a middle-aged man and woman. The old woman and the man wore the fine clothes of well-off common people, while the other woman wore a uniform similar to Colonel Faron’s.
    The old woman walked with difficulty to the table and sat in the largest chair before it. The others took up a standing position on either side of her, while Colonel Faron went back to the door to stand sentry.
    Silence stretched as no one said anything. Mari felt growing annoyance. “If you’re trying to unnerve us or put us off balance,” she finally said, “you should know that we’ve been to Marandur, and personally faced dragons and trolls. This is just irritating me.”
    The old woman smiled thinly. “You sound as though you think you should be in charge, Lady Mechanic.”
    “No, I think that if someone has something to say, they should say it,” Mari replied.
    “Will you give us your name and title, Lady Mechanic?”
    “I am Master Mechanic Mari of Caer Lyn.” She turned just enough to indicate Alain. “This is Mage Alain of Ihris.”
    The woman in uniform studied Mari. “Do you claim any other title, Lady Mechanic?”
    Alain answered before Mari could, his voice as Mage cold and unfeeling as it had ever been. That gave it more authority, as if one of the statues had suddenly begun speaking. “She claims nothing. She has been foreseen to be the one foretold, the one known as the daughter. Master Mechanic Mari will bring a new day to this world.”
    The old woman leaned forward, intent. “The Mages have seen this? She is the one?”
    “It has been seen. I have seen it,” Alain said.
    With a sharp gesture the old woman caused the man

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