The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series)

Read Online The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series) by L. A. Hilden - Free Book Online

Book: The Perfect Suitor (Bewildering Love Series) by L. A. Hilden Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Hilden
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Historical Romance, Regency Romance, LA Hilden
rising in her cheeks. She glanced at the count, who smiled and nodded in her direction.
    Paxton was unsure if she was being truthful for he was quickly becoming aware at how clever she could be. “Is he an immigrant who fled during the Reign of Terror?” He already knew the answer, but he was curious as to how well she knew the man. Most Frenchmen now living in England had moved here when their homeland was being torn apart by the revolution in 1794. In Paris alone more than thirteen hundred victims lost their heads to the guillotine in a six week span.
    “No. I was told he is taking a long holiday.” She seemed to find his interest in one of her suitor’s intriguing. Smiling a seductress’s smile, she reached up and pulled her fingers through one of his dark curls and sighed heavenly. His body tightened in response and the delicate scent of her perfume filled his head.
    “Are you trying to gain the attention of every person in this room?”
    He looked around at the surrounding people, noticing a few women speaking behind their fans and a couple of men elbowing each other with knowing jabs. Since she was new to London, it was obvious that Lady Evelyn wasn’t used to having her every move watched so closely. But all of her embarrassment appeared to fade when she looked back at him. “No. Just yours.”
    “Then allow me to assure you that you have my full attention. Acts like that are likely to gain you trouble.” The lady sighed and Paxton groaned inwardly. The woman had no idea of the effect she had on men, himself included. Her sigh brought erotic images to mind: Eve’s body writhing beneath him as he pounded into her, listening to her cries of ecstasy as he brought them both to fulfillment. She was too innocent to be so open about her thoughts and feelings. Someone definitely needed to bring this young lady into line.
    Lady Evelyn appeared not to have realized her sigh was audible, and she shrugged. The song was going to end soon and already he was upset by the knowledge that he was going to have to let her go. He would walk her back to her family and their encounter would be over. The thought was not a happy one.
    “What are you thinking?” he had to ask. He fleetingly wondered if he enjoyed the torture and challenge of trying to keep his manhood under control.
    “It’s more like hoping. I was hoping they would continue playing this song so we could continue dancing all evening.”
    Paxton could think of something he wished they could do all evening, and it wasn’t dancing. Her comment did show her innocence, and he suddenly felt more drawn to her than ever. He knew he had to control his lust before it became embarrassingly noticeable. “Do you speak French?”
    She gave him a perplexed look. “Yes, of course I do. Why do you ask?”
    The promise he gave Cole kept him quiet about his concern regarding the count. Besides, he knew it was a stupid question. In all probability, ninety-percent of the educated ladies in England spoke French, including his sister. Now he had to come up with a reason for his bizarre inquiry. “I’m curious. Ever travel there?”
    She wrinkled her lightly freckled nose in the most adorable manner. “No. It hasn’t been exactly peaceful there.” She paused as if contemplating something. “Are you testing my education, my lord, for I can promise you it is more than adequate. I would make you a wonderful wife.”
    A test? Now what was he to say? Was she always this sure of herself? Hadn’t a man ever told her no before she encountered him? Of course not. Who was he kidding? She probably had suitors lining up at her family’s London residence daily. He already noticed men waiting by her father for a chance to dance with her. “I’m sure you would. That is, if I wanted a wife, which as you know, I do not.”
    The music ended, but she seemed reluctant to let him go, a fact that thrilled him to no end, although he knew it shouldn’t. When he was near her, he seemed to fight a

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