The Outlaw (Montana Men Book 3)

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Book: The Outlaw (Montana Men Book 3) by Vanessa Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Vale
other. "Once you wed by proxy, you were his legal wife, therefore it went to you instead of Junior."
    "That's why he's mad?"
    The dress caught on her hips, but she was naked from the waist up. I cupped her breasts in my hands. She sighed when I ran my thumbs over her plump nipples. It was a pleasure to watch them harden.
    "Junior's not a wealthy man in his own right, living solely off his father's money. I doubt Meecham, Sr. thought he would drop dead and didn't make provisions for his son. You saw Junior. He's not a boy, but a man grown. He's had opportunity to make something of himself, but chose the easy path instead. The lazy path. Now, he has nothing."
    "Not even me." Caroline worked at the buttons on my shirt and had them almost undone.
    I tugged on her nipples, which had her sucking in a breath and meeting my gaze, just as I'd wanted. " Especially you," I growled. "Enough about Meecham."
    "But he's so angry," she countered.
    "Caroline," I scolded. "I do not want to talk about Meecham when I've got your breasts in my hands. If you continue to talk out of turn, I'm going to think you're a bad girl."
    She stepped back, but I didn't let her, stepping forward to keep no distance between us, my hands still on her lovely flesh. Her eyes widened at my words. "Bad?" she whispered. "What do you mean?"
    It was time to reinforce what I'd already taught her. I would not be cruel. I would not strike her. I could be trusted. "Are you a bad girl, Caroline?"
    She paled. I was pushing her, but it had to be done.
    "What...what would you do to me if I were?"
    I grinned. "First I'd have to catch you. Then I'd probably lean you over the nearest hard surface, lift your dress and give you a spanking. I'd check your pussy and see if it made you wet - I bet it would - and then I'd fuck you."
    The color returned to her cheeks at the crudeness of my words, but she wasn't offended. Affected, definitely. Her pupils dilated and the blue of her eyes all but disappeared. I could see her pulse at her neck throbbing against the tender skin. Her nipples were so hard I bet they ached.
    I grinned at her, letting her know while I was serious about spanking her ass if she was truly a bad girl, I was only playing - and that punishment was always followed up with pleasure.
    "Oh," she whispered, watching me closely.
    "Are you a bad girl, Caro?" I asked, stripping off my shirt.
    "Yes. Yes, I think I am." A little smile formed on her lips.
    I took a step back, giving her access to the door. "Then you better run."

    I grabbed the front of my dress, lifting the hem off the floor and ran. This time, I was dashing away and Finn was letting me. He wanted me to escape. I didn't know the house at all, only the path from the front door to Finn's bedroom. The house was large, the size of mansions in Minneapolis. It must have had at least ten rooms, if not more, which was more than ample for a bachelor. Turning to the right, I took the hallway to the stairwell and worked my way down carefully, cautious not to trip in my haste. I heard no footfall behind me.
    At the bottom I paused, looked left and right as I caught my breath. My heart was pounding, knowing if I stood still too long, Finn would find me. It was actually quite exhilarating knowing he was hunting me, because I knew that when he found me, he wouldn't hurt me, he'd only pleasure me. I laughed to myself, noticing for the first time my forgotten state of dress. My breasts were exposed, and I saw that the tips were soft again, although reddened by the tug of Finn's fingers. Hearing creaking floorboards overhead, I turned and fled.
    When Finn first said I'd been a bad girl, my blood had run cold. Apprehension had me tilting up onto the balls of my feet, ready to either run or fight. I imagined bruises I could hide beneath long sleeves and high collars, stiff and sore muscles that would linger for days. But his response had me forgetting about that, and my thoughts veered to more

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