The Other Side of Divine

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Book: The Other Side of Divine by Vanessa Davis Griggs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Davis Griggs
that wasn’t doable at this time—”
    â€œSo you ended up with me instead,” Johnnie Mae said with a warm smile.
    â€œI wouldn’t put it quite that way at this point. God knew what He was doing. He knew what I really needed. I would say He blessed me to talk with you instead.”
    â€œPraise God for that. This is what would seem to be a great dilemma. The question is: Do you keep this secret from your husband, believing it will maintain peace in your household at least until there’s a reason to possibly tear things up? Or do you tell your husband the truth that he deserves and has a right to know, the fact that he may not be the baby’s father.”
    Paris placed her hands up to her face and pressed hard as she waited on the answer this woman of God was about to tell her. But at least she’d made a step toward lightening her load on what had become a tempest-tossed ship.

Chapter 8
    And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
    â€”Leviticus 19:33
    Z achary Wayne Morgan walked quickly through the door his aunt Esther held open for him. “I came as quickly as I could get here,” he said to her. “Where is Gabrielle?”
    â€œShe’s upstairs with her father. We’re supposed to be sitting down to eat, but the two of them have been up there for a while now.”
    â€œDr. Z!” Jasmine said, running into his arms. “I didn’t know you were coming in time for dinner.”
    He hoisted her up into the air and smiled. “My favorite little girl in all of the world!”
    â€œYou always say that,” Jasmine said.
    â€œHow are you feeling?” he asked.
    â€œI’m fine. I told them I felt fine, but they still wouldn’t let me go to school. I’m going tomorrow though. I absolutely love school,” Jasmine said. Zachary set her back down. “I guess I need to set a place for you at the table. I’m glad I suggested we eat in the dining room tonight. It’s just growing and growing bigger and bigger with more people by the minute.” She illustrated the way it was growing with her hands.
    â€œSounds good, Miss Jazz. Go on and fix a place for me.” Zachary watched as Jasmine skipped merrily away.
    â€œOkay, Aunt Esther. What’s going on?”
    Esther walked toward the den as Zachary followed. She sat in a chair while he sat scooted on the edge of the sofa. “Her father showed up. Gabrielle’s father is here. Twenty-five years and without warning, he just shows up on her doorstep.”
    Zachary sat back a little. “She certainly never indicated to me that she knew he was getting out any time soon, let alone getting out now.” Zachary stood up. “I should go up and check on her.”
    â€œZach, wait. I don’t think you should do that.”
    â€œWhy not?”
    â€œBecause I believe she’s okay with him, for now anyway. They need some room to breathe . . . to talk if they want. If you go up there, she’ll know I called you almost as soon as he cleared the doorway and I could make my way to the phone,” Miss Crowe said. “This is still her house. If she wanted him gone, she could have done that.”
    â€œBut she didn’t,” Zachary said.
    â€œNope, she didn’t. Instead, she’s letting him stay, at least tonight.”
    â€œSo what do you think about that?” Zachary asked.
    Miss Crowe shook her head slowly. “I don’t know. He doesn’t appear to be a threat or a danger to her. He claims he’s changed.” She tilted her head slightly. “I was listening in when they were still down here. He says he’s saved now, a new creature in Christ.”
    â€œThat’s what they all say when they go in,” Zachary said. He began to pace in front of the sofa as he scratched his head. “I don’t know, Aunt Esther. I want to protect Gabrielle. Do you know how much that

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