The Neighbor's Son (The Forbidden Love Series: Book 1)
folds. “I want you inside me, Cade. Now. Please,” I
breathed, drunk with desire, not afraid to beg. I sat back down and
carefully glided myself down his length.
    I cried out, the pain and the fullness
making me choke on my own breath. “Oh my God. You’re so big, too
big,” I blurted with his cock halfway inside me.
    “ Do you want to stop?” he
asked. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
    “ No,” I barked. The only
thing worse than the pain I was feeling was the idea of not having
him, all of him, inside me. I didn’t go that far just to chicken
out half way through the deed. I was determined to fuck Cade Fisher
that night no matter what.
    Little by little I grew more and more
comfortable to his thickness and length and soon the excruciating
pain turned into mind blowing pleasure. I had all of him inside me,
and it was everything I thought it would be and then
    “ God, Sidney. You feel so
good, so tight,” Cade growled, his hands on my hips, guiding them
as they slowly began to grind on him. Soon I was riding him,
screaming his name, digging my nails in his chest, threatening him
with violence if he dared to pull out and leave me hanging. Then I
sped up the pace of my thrusts. I grinded into him and he dug his
nails on my ass. Our movements, groans, and moans were all in sync.
I felt as if I was going to explode from the inside out and really
didn’t care if I did. I had never felt more alive than I did that
    Cade sat up, slamming his lips against
mine, biting them and holding them between his teeth. I wrapped my
arms around his neck and continued to grind against him, taking in
every inch of his glorious cock. I pulled back and swept the hair
stuck to his damp forehead away. I wanted to watch his face. I
wanted to see if he was reaching the same levels of ecstasy he was
bringing me to. He was. Our eyes locked with enough fire between
them to set an entire forest ablaze. We went fast, but when we
thought we were losing control, we slowed down and then sped up
again. We held on to each other tight to keep our sweat-coated
bodies from floating away.
    I was so close. I looked deep into
Cade’s sleepy eyes and could see he was very close too. He began to
slam my hips harder and faster against his cock, overwhelming my
senses with the fullness. The explosions began inside me, starting
at my belly and spreading all over my body. I dug my nails in his
back. My inner muscles clenched around him while he sank his teeth
on my shoulder and growled my name over and over. I cried out,
finding my release and soaking Cade’s cock with it. Within seconds,
Cade was there with me, every muscle of his body clenching in
anticipation of the explosion that was about to rock his body. With
a loud grunt, he found his own release and filled me up with his
hot, creamy seed. I held on tight to him while his whole body
shivered under me.
    Exhausted and coated in sweat, we fell
back on the bed. His cock was still inside me and his seed was
spilling out from between my thighs. We cradled each other’s faces,
smiling and giggling euphorically. We shared another awkward,
perfect kiss. "That was amazing. You are a sex god, Cade Fisher,” I
slurred after I managed to free my lips from the grip of his
    Cade grinned and shook his head. “No,
Sidney. You are a sex goddess. That was all you. You were in charge
there. And to think you were worried about not being good enough,
not pleasing me…You were unbelievable, babe.”
    I giggled and buried my face on his
chest. I was proud of myself. “I don’t want this night to end,” I
said, wrapping my arms around him.
    Cade lifted my face and cradled it
between his hands. “This night is far from over. I’m just getting
started with you. What we did just now was only the dress
rehearsal, the warm up. I haven’t even begun to rock your world
yet, sweetheart.”
    My eyes bugged out of my head. I was so
sore all over. I didn’t know how much more of his love I could take
in a

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