The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want

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Book: The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want by Richard La Ruina Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard La Ruina
other response on your part—the held contact will feel forced to her and she’ll look away out of pure discomfort.
    It’s a conundrum, for sure. And it may be a deal-breaker if you don’t know how to handle it. If you’re wondering why a girl is looking at you, you may use the uncertainty as an excuse not to approach. Maybe she was looking at someone else; maybe you have a spot on your nose; maybe she was just daydreaming. In 90 percent of cases, she is looking at you and would welcome your approach, but there’s always the other 10 percent, and that’s enough to discourage most guys from approaching.
    How many missed opportunities have you suffered over the years? Potential girlfriends, girls that would have loved to sleep with you, and maybe even that special “one.” I can make sure you never miss an opportunity like that ever again.
    Here’s what to do: force her interest!
    When you’ve made eye contact with the girl, provoke a response from her by doing something along these lines: pointing at her; waving; raising your glass; making a funny face; poking your tongue out. If you use this technique, you will be in very good company. Over the years, I’ve met many great naturals as well as professional seduction coaches who, independent of each other, have come up with this technique. They all do it slightly differently, but the idea is the same. Cardenas, one of the most alpha naturals I’ve ever met, who is the typical gym buff with big muscles, pokes his tongue out. It’s a great contrast to his tough-guy look. Rob, who is my age but had slept with seven hundred women by the time I’d slept with only seven, hides his face behind his hands and does a childish peek-a-boo. It sounds stupid, but the results speak for themselves. Steve, the best seducer I’ve ever seen, draws an imaginary pistol and shoots his intended “target” with it while smiling playfully. Personally, I do my trademark “point.” I guess it looks like something Joey from Friends would do. To see a video of how I force an indication of interest (IOI), go to
    The point of all these actions is that they’re so bold that the girl is compelled to respond. The number of responses she can give is limited. She can:
  Mirror your action.
  Smile and look away, embarrassed.
  Look away in disgust.
  Raise an eyebrow as if to say, “What are you doing?”
    If you get a positive reaction, you can immediately approach without needing to think of anything clever to say. If you get a negative reaction, you probably won’t get a good one if you go on and attempt to “open.” The secret to success is that your trademark will become a reflex action. It’s as if you’d studied kung fu for twenty years, so you swing into action without thinking twice when someone attacks you.
    Believe me, it takes a lot more balls to approach a beautiful woman cold than to force her interest. So start practicing your own signature moves, or be my guest and steal my trademark point. By the way, to show just how important this is, keep this in mind: with more than 80 percent of the women I’ve talked to in the past three years, the initial conversation has been as a result of this technique!
Approaching After an Indication of Interest
If she gave you a sign of interest, it’s doubtful that she’s not attracted, so go for it! I usually use, “Hey, how’s it going?” Longer or indirect openers (like asking for an opinion about this or that) will kill tension. Just be bold, be direct, and assume that she’s attracted to you.
Using Body Language to Maximize the Cold Approach
    There are two ways to make a cold approach. One is the cold walk-up, where you directly approach a girl and engage her. The second is a more casual, seemingly spontaneous way to open: the girl is a step or two away, and you casually turn around, or move closer, and open. In both instances, there

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