The Mystery Cruise

Read Online The Mystery Cruise by Gertrude Chandler Warner - Free Book Online

Book: The Mystery Cruise by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Tags: Ebook, book
    â€œWe must go,” Jessie said. “We have others we want to see.”
    â€œI’m sure you do,” Isaac said. “You’ve made friends with many people on this cruise.”
    â€œExcept for Tom Bishop,” Henry said grimly. Then, with a wave and a smile, he added, “Good-bye, Isaac.”
    They left to find Heather, who was in B Salon helping passengers with any questions and making sure their luggage was tagged.
    Grandfather was getting instructions for leaving the ship.
    Heather was tying tags on a woman’s luggage. Turning around, she smiled. “Hello, Aldens! I’m glad you came by.” She pointed to a comfortable sofa and matching chair. “Let’s sit over there.”
    Jessie was surprised at how friendly she was. Usually Heather didn’t care to talk at all.
    Heather folded her hands in her lap. “I’m sure you’ve wondered why I always ran away when I saw you.”
    Henry just waited, not wanting to tell her how unfriendly he thought she had been.
    Heather continued, “You know, this was my first job.” She twisted her ring. “I’m quite shy, and meeting all these passengers made me even shyer.”
    â€œIs that why you didn’t stay and talk to us?” Benny asked.
    Heather’s cheeks flushed pink, but she smiled. “Yes. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to stay and chat with you. I was grateful for how warm and friendly you were. In fact, now that I know the crew and have met people like you, I feel much more relaxed.” She gave them a warm look. “Now I enjoy my work. Since I’ve finished work on my first cruise, I know the next one will be even easier.”
    Jessie reached over and touched Heather’s hand. “Now we understand why you seemed a little distant. Tell me, who is C, the one who gave you the roses? Was it your boyfriend?”
    Heather gave a light laugh. “My brother Charles. He wished me good luck, knowing how nervous I was on my first job. I sent him a message back, telling him that everything was going fine.”
    â€œYou crumpled up a piece of paper when we came to play Monopoly,” Benny said.
    â€œYes, it was another message from Charles. I knew I shouldn’t have been reading it when I was working.” She smiled impishly. “Although I should’ve known that you wouldn’t have minded.”
    Violet smiled. To think they had suspected this sweet girl just because she’d been so quiet and nervous.
    All at once Heather reached into a bag beside the sofa. “I have something for each of you.”
    Benny’s eyes grew big as she pulled out four white caps with visors.
    Heather first gave a cap to Benny, then to Henry, Violet, and Jessie.
    â€œGreat!” Benny said, pulling the billed cap down to his eyes and grinning.
    The caps had the words “West Wind” around the band. “Thank you, Heather!” Jessie said, trying hers on. “I’ll wear it home.”
    â€œI’ll wear mine, too,” Violet said, sounding delighted.
    Henry wore his rakishly to one side. “Now everyone will know we’re all from one family!”
    â€œOh, there are the Rands,” Heather said, standing.
    â€œDid you know them before the cruise?” Henry asked.
    â€œNo,” Heather said. “But I’ve been helping Melissa with Robin, and we’ve become friends. That’s why I felt relaxed with them and not at all nervous.”
    The Rands came closer. Ralph, holding Robin, smiled when he saw the Aldens. “I was hoping we’d find you before we left. I wanted to say good-bye.”
    â€œAnd so do I,” Melissa said, shaking hands with each of them. “You’ve always been so friendly.”
    Ralph chuckled. “I’m afraid we’ve been comparing the West Wind to the French line we were on, but truthfully this ship is fantastic. We like everything about it. Especially

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