The Mistress of Black Grove Manor

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Book: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor by Elaine Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Young
feel it when she came, so he slowed down. She leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder as one hand moved down his chest. She flicked open the button of his jeans and dragged down the zipper.
    When his cock was freed, she couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. At least 8 inches and very thick, it was everything she’d hoped for with her other lovers and never gotten.
    “I can’t wait anymore,” she said. “I need you.”
    He managed to find the presence of mind to pull a condom out of his wallet. Catherine took it from him and unrolled it over his cock, which was now jerking slightly. He needed her too.
    Scott’s head fell back as she caressed him. She took her time, touching him, teasing him. Finally, she couldn’t hold back a second longer. He gripped her hips and she sank down onto him.
    “Oh,” she moaned as he filled her up inch by inch. “Oh, wow. Scott...”
    The amazement in her eyes was enough to nearly push him over the edge. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.
    “I’ll let you set the pace,” he said against her lips. “Take it however you want it, darlin’.”
    She moved slowly at first, flexing her hips, leaving him seated deep inside her. Gradually, as she grew accustomed to his size, she grew bolder. Scott clenched his jaw to keep from coming as she really got into a rhythm. She’d missed a calling at the rodeo for sure.
    Catherine was tight and so wet that he knew he wouldn’t make it much longer. He was determined to give her her pleasure first though. Her body jerked forward as he began rubbing her slick clit again as he sucked her already hardened nipple into his mouth again.
    She clapped the hand that wasn’t gripping his shoulder over her mouth to keep from being too loud. He groaned roughly as she rode him even harder, slamming her body down onto his, taking him to the hilt each time.
    “God, you feel good,” he said.
    “Not as good as you,” she replied breathlessly. “You’re so big...I can feel every inch of you inside me.”
    If she kept that up, he’d never make it. Scott grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her, nipping her lower lip again.
    “I need you to come for me, darlin’,” he said raggedly. “I promise next time, you’ll have me for as long as you want, but this time--” A particularly amazing twist of her hips had his words ending in a growl. “Catherine, please. Come for me.”
    She couldn’t hold back any longer. She’d been on the edge since the first thrust. “Keep touching me,” she begged.
    He rubbed her clit faster, kissing the side of her neck now, finding a sensitive space just under her ear.
    “Harder,” she moaned, working her hips frantically. “Harder, Scott, harder, oh...oh, God!”
    Her head fell back and he was the one who clapped a hand over her mouth this time. She was too far gone to remember it. Her pussy tightened all around him and he clenched his jaw, trying to hold back...but he couldn’t.
    Scott wrapped his free arm around her waist and thrust upward, making those gorgeous breasts bounce with each movement. The orgasm seemed to go on and on, Catherine whimpering against his palm while he did his best not to shout from his own amazed pleasure.
    When it was finally over, she collapsed forward, resting her head on his sweaty chest as he wrapped his arms around her and caught his breath.
    “I don’t even know what to say,” she said after a moment. “That was...that was...”
    “The best I have ever had,” he said.
    “Exactly,” she agreed. “I’m really glad you decided to meet me tonight.”
    He chuckled slightly at the proper tone of voice she’d used and kissed the top of her head. “Me too, darlin’. Me too.”

Chapter Six:
    “How in the world are you getting married?” Linda asked as Scott packed a suitcase.
    “Mom, we’ve been over this,” he said patiently, stuffing a side pocket with socks.
    He’d told them almost everything. Not the part of about his plan to marry Catherine

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