The Michaela Bancroft Mysteries 1-3

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Book: The Michaela Bancroft Mysteries 1-3 by Michele Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Scott
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    "Let me guess: You were the breadwinner, and he knew by waiting the full ten years it would make him eligible to receive spousal support for a very long time."
    Michaela couldn't help but laugh at the way he'd put it, but yes, that was exactly how she'd felt when one of Brad's ex-cronies told her of his devious plan. The laughter felt good for a moment. How could she laugh today, or any day ever again, for that matter? She'd found Uncle Lou only that morning with a pitchfork through him. She shook her head, hoping to cast that image from her mind. Doubtful that could ever happen. "You know a bit about California divorce laws."
    He nodded. "He was banking that he wouldn't get caught cheating, could divorce you after ten years, and you'd be stuck paying spousal support."
    "Exactly. But he did get caught, thanks to my uncle, and now it's hopeful a judge will take a look at that and things will go in my favor. Now, he's making all sorts of claims that we were separated while he was out having the time of his life, and that I'd kicked him out. His girlfriend harasses me to no end. She enjoys calling me, insisting that I sign the papers he had some moronic attorney devise. I read over them last night. He wants to settle with me. I love that. Crazy. But the best is we have a pile of medical bills that our insurance refused to pay, and he's basically skipped out on his portion of the obligation. I've even heard he's going to file bankruptcy. So, I'm stuck with that. But, I will hold out signing any type of papers that benefits either one of them."
    Davis shook his head. "Did he plan to marry this rodeo queen? If so, the gravy train would have come to a halt, even if he hadn't been caught in the act."
    "I don't think so. Brad is greedy. He's the kind of guy who likes his cake and wants to eat it, too. My gut tells me that Kirsten was a fun fling and he never thought I would find out about it. I do think he planned to leave me though, after the ten years was up. Things with us had ceased to be fun, and Brad obviously isn't one with too much depth."
    Davis nodded. "I went through a divorce a few years ago."
    That explained the no ring on the finger. "Not fun. Do you have children?"
    "One. She's nine. My ex and I have joint custody of her."
    "That's great. I mean, not great you have to share your daughter like that, or that you're divorced, but that you have a child." She swallowed hard.
    "You think that it's possible your ex blames your uncle for everything?"
    "I think it's possible."
    "I'm going to need to speak with your ex-husband. Can you give me his information?"
    "Of course." Michaela stood and went into the kitchen. She took out a pen and paper from her odds-and-ends drawer and wrote down Brad's address and phone numbers, then handed it to Davis. His fingers brushed her hand. On purpose? She didn't think so, but oddly enough— and maybe because she didn't want to be alone— her stomach fluttered at his touch. She tried to ignore it as he stood and shook her hand.
    "I know it's been a rough day for you. I'll have a cruiser come by. But you should be safe enough here, especially with Dr. Slater around."
    "Oh, no. He's not my boyfriend, if that's what you're thinking. I've known Ethan forever." That sounded brilliant. Why did she feel the need to clarify their relationship to the detective?
    Davis nodded. "I thought you'd like to know, we have an officer stationed at your uncle's ranch."
    "That's good. Thanks. Um, how is Bean?"
    "Mr. Chasen?"
    "Is that his last name?"
    Davis nodded. "Sylvester Chasen. He's fine. We questioned him and let him go on his way."
    "Oh." She wanted to ask Davis more about Bean, but had the distinct feeling he wasn't going to tell her anything.
    "I was also able to get a hold of Dwayne Yamaguchi. He's coming back from Vegas tonight to help Mrs. Bancroft out. And, uh, Sylvester, or I mean Bean will be back in the morning to work, I believe. Again, thank you for your time. I'll be in touch."

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